10|| friends for a week

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I mean, I know they were only suppose to stay for a long weekend, but let's face it, their parents wanted their children to see more than they would've if they only stayed a weekend, and it was settled they stay for a week.

I'm out of bed before most of the servants even wake up. But I'm too excited to even sleep. Back in America, it's only like 3 in the afternoon. But they'll be arriving in a few hours, so I'm just getting their rooms ready, even though they'll probably all stay in my room with sleeping bags. I CAN BRING IN A BUNK BED AND A SINGLE MATTRESS!

Since there's going to be three of them, that's a good idea! Plus my room is large enough. It can sustain four people.

With this brilliant idea, I run downstairs and see breakfast is being made. There are about 6 servants working on break fast.

Let me tell you what happened in the last week and a half since my last time seeing my dad.

Right after that morning, he called me and my brothers, telling us he had to go back to Spain and work for a week, he still hasn't come back but that's nothing new, and then I thought over tamaki's proposition. Then I became a full host and I am still the top host. I mean... that's surprising.

Also himura, hinata, satsuma, and then sakurai all come and visit as their own individual group. They're not fans of my becoming a host, but we're still friends

Then there's the rest of the club...

Me and haruhi are almost best friends! She has so much things to say about anything. She's reliable, caring, but let's not forget how oblivious she is. Anyone and everyone can see her feelings toward tamaki... she's in love

Then there's honey! Oh em gee!!! He's the cutest thing I've ever seen! He's always inviting me places, he's always trying to include me when I am not. I mean, he invited me to go to Brazil with him and mori's family...

Mori is something else. I mean, he's always there right when I need him to be, not in a lovey way, but if I'm having a hard time with my brothers... he just gives me something so small, like a pat on the back, or just placing his hand on the small of my back, simple but cute things like that. He's just comforting. I can tell we'll be great friends

Kyoya always has something to say! Let me explain. He's not a bad guy, he's actually very caring, the few times me and him have actually spoken when we're alone. He's always giving me advice, then when he can tell I can't stand what the boys are saying, he places a hand on my knee, it's comforting, we're friends as well

Tamaki... of gosh what can I say about tamaki?... DELUSIONAL!!! Let me get one thing straight! I am not calling him daddy! Back in America, your daddy is your boyfriend or some sexual nickname! I tried to explain this to him, but he was so confused and didn't know what I was talking about, so I dropped the subject all together. But there's no way I'll ever call him daddy

Other than them, my mom hasn't been home whatsoever. I haven't seen her since my first day of school. They boys told me she never comes around much.

And now, we're here. I can tell the boys are planning something against me, and not only me, but also my friends. I brought them up while sitting around talking with the club... well really I was talking to haruhi, everybody else just invited themselves into the conversation.

They said in America it's a long weekend, but in Japan, business as usual.

"Ms. Tskua! What are you doing up so early? Oh you should be in bed!" One of the maids screams at me, trying to shoo me away to my bedroom.

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