The ride

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So the case was only a few towns up Dean said but it felt like a few states up. I was the only one in the back of the impala so I got to lay down. I only had to put my knees up a small bit to fit, I'm fairly short. The perfect hight, for the perfect hug. A hug from Sam. I must have been mumbling cause Dean was yelling at me.

"Hey! Ali! Wake up sleepy head we are here." He said to me.

I didn't realize that the car had even stopped. I had to focus in order to do the case. I had to put Sam to the back of my head. How could I do that when he was always standing in front of me? His muscular form barely hidden under his suit.

I quickly got out of the back to join the boys. I grabbed my favourite gun from my bag and stuck it in the back of my pants, hidden by my jacket. I put another gun on the inside of my jacket and left the rest of my bag in the trunk. Dean had said that there were 12 missing persons in a matter of 2 weeks. All the near by witnesses of each missing person claimed to have heard a voice saying "come to me." All the voices seem to have been heard by the victims loved ones.
Dean thinks it's a Crocottas. They lure their victims in by using a loved ones voice and they suck out their soul. This will be a hard one to find considering they appear in the human form.

"Alrighty so I will go down to the local police  station and you two go and check out the witnesses homes. We will meet back at the coffee shop in an hour. Got it? Good. See ya later Ali, you too Sammy." Dean smiled and got back into the impala and drove off.

Sam and I were already in our FBI uniforms and we headed off. The first house we were going to was only a few blocks down the road. I usually only see the boys a couple times a year so I go on a few hunts with them but not very many. I mostly hunt on my own or with Bobby. Sam has done this his whole life so he knows what he's doing and I trust him with my life. I just hope he trusts me with his.

Sam knocked on the door of the first house and a women in her late 30's answered the door.

"Hi I'm agent Mundane and this is my partner agent Heathers. We are here to ask you a few questions about the missing persons in the last few weeks. May we come in?" Sam told the women politely.

At first she looked a bit wary but then she nodded and opened up her door to us. We stepped inside and she shut the door behind us. We sat down on her couch as she was getting us all some tea and I went over the questions in my head. Sam told me I should interrogate the woman since I haven't been on a hunt in a while. She sat down and I started.

"So 'mam are you able to tell me if you saw anything the night your neighbour went missing? Any noises or smells, anything like that?" I asked the lady.

"Well I did hear the voice of her husband telling her to come near. I was out watering my flowers on the porch before I went to bed when I heard it. She walked towards the voice like she was in some kind of trance, you know? When she turned the corner to the back of her shed and didn't come back I went to check on her. She was no where to be seen." As the lady explained to us what was happening, Sam was jotting down notes in his little book.

"Alright thank you for the information 'mam it's very much appreciated. Thank you again for the tea. Have a nice day." I said as Sam and I got up, shook hands with the woman and walked out the door.

"So I think Dean is right about the Crocottas. Every missing person seemed to have heard their significant other or their children. So I'm assuming, someone they loved. What I don't get is why it's here in a little town?"

Sam just shrugged his shoulders as we walked towards the little coffee shop where we were meeting Dean. I couldn't help but think of whose voice I would hear of the Crocottas ever got close to me. Would it be Sam's? Dean's? Bobby's? I would never know because I wasn't going to let that thing near enough to me to find out. Sam nudged me a little out of my trance and as I looked to my right I saw that we were here. I wonder what Dean found out?

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