~Chapter 15!~

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Me: Just a friendly tip before we start, the italics are Tori's thoughts, while the bold are Ace's. But, if it's bold and italics, then it's still Tori's.

Sarah: Toni-chan doesn't own One Piece or any of the characters from One Piece, only her OC's!


Normal POV

Straddling Ace's waist, Tori blushes terribly.

"H-Hang on-" Ace covers her lips with his as he weaves his fingers into the hairs on the back of her head, kissing her slowly.

Tori's hands went to Ace's biceps and she squeezes them tightly, Ace gently bites her lip and lightly sucks on it as he pulls away from the red faced auburn headed girl.

"Ace, you shouldn't do this..." She looks down as she places her forehead on his shoulder.

"Why? I'm just making it up to you for stealing your first kiss." Ace rubbed her back comfortingly, Tori puts her small hands on his well built chest.

"Don't worry about it. You shouldn't kiss someone that you don't consider as a friend." Tori's eyes clouded with sadness, even Ace could see that.

"But- You're not my friend." Tori looked up into his eyes, shocked. "Shh." Ace put a calloused finger up to her pale pink lips, "You're my cuddle buddy kissing student."

Tori's eyes faded to a darker blue as she looks at Ace, the said man took this as an opportunity to swoop down and kiss her again. Tori's eyes remained open and full of sadness as she didn't move in the kiss till Ace grabbed her head and forced her to.

"So, that was a little more then the basics I guess." Ace chuckles nervously, rubbing her sides. Tori wouldn't look up to meet his eyes, causing his dark, thin eyebrows to crease together.

So now I'm just a student that he can cuddle up to whenever he wants to? Tori tried removing herself from the raven haired male's lap, but he pulled her into a tight hug instead with his chin resting on her small shoulder.

"I'm sorry Tori-chan... I thought you were curious. At least that's what Sarah said." The auburn head made a mental note to kill her roommate/best friend later because of that.

I don't understand though, why would he want to teach me when he thinks of me as just some hug thing of his? Pulling away from the embrace, Tori cups the freckled beauties cheeks while staring into his dark beady eyes.

One of Ace's hand came up and gently pulled off her red framed glasses, giving her a gentle smile. (BTW – Tori ALWAYS wears her reading glasses, just sayin' because she doesn't really need them. She ain't that blind.)

Why does this hurt? I don't want to feel this pain again... I can't feel this pain again. Ace started leaning in slowly, Please Ace, stop... Please! I can't bare this, I don't want to fool myself again! Ace placed his lips onto hers, keeping his eyes open so he could absorb the emotions they were unveiling.

I don't understand, I thought Sarah said Tori was my number one fan... Hell, I've even seen the posters of me that was hidden away... Then, why? Why does she look so hurt? I thought this would be something fans wanted, but she looks like she's about to cry. Ace closed his eyes, unable to see the sadness in the darkened blue ones any longer.

I can't fool myself this time, I know Ace doesn't feel the same. Tori thought for a moment while slowly closing her eyes shut, But, maybe Ace's kisses and cuddles can help me move on from him. It's about time for me to anyways, it's been a year. Tori returned the kiss passionately, causing Ace's eyes to open in surprise.

What the hell? Is she bipolar or something? A minute ago she was saying I shouldn't do this, but now she's biting my lip like I did her. Tori's small hands left Ace's chest, wrapping themselves around the back of his neck. I'll think about it more later. God, I thought she didn't know how to kiss.

Ace wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Of course they didn't mind their most delicate areas being so close together, they were too absorbed into the small, heated kiss.

The need of oxygen came too soon as the two pulled away panting. Tori had her eyes closed as she tried to steady her breathing. I know I shouldn't use Ace like this, but I have to. Maybe then I can actually be happy again.

Ace flipped them over so the bright blue eyed beauty was on her back underneath him, causing her to squeak out of surprise. God, why does she have to look so hot? Her hair was splayed out underneath her giving off an unintentional, sexy vibe to the girl. Ace's cheeks flared up immediately at his perverted thoughts of what he could do to her.

Quickly shaking those thoughts out of his head, he leaned down to her earlobe. "Now since you've learned the basics, would you like to learn more?" He felt her slowly nod her head, causing him to smirk and lightly bite her earlobe. "Good answer."

He hoisted himself up enough where he was just hovering over her smaller form. Ya know, this is really confusing my emotions. Why would he be doing all of this, just to repay me for stealing my first kiss? Dammit Ace, why can't you make sense to me for once? Why must everything be so mysterious?

The raven head swooped down and captured her lips once more.

Ace continued to teach Tori all different types of ways in kissing for the rest of the evening till it was dinner time. (Don't go thinking they had sex, they didn't. I know it seems weird, but it's true.) When Tori finally came out of her room Sarah hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't comfort you. I thought it would've been better if Ace did it instead." Sarah whispered into the auburn heads ear.

"Oh, you are so dead later." Tori growled back, squeezing her super tightly.

"It's only cause I love you~!" Sarah ran off into the kitchen, only to be chased out seconds later with knives being thrown after her.


Me: So I just realized these past two chapters have been just Tori and Ace kissing... I'm terrible, but I needed some romance action you guys, I'M SORREY ;-; Anyways. That's all for this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Until next time! Bye!

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