Chapter 5- Secrets

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We get to the hotel building and finally going inside. I was in awe and looked around.
"Wow, everything here is still together" I walked around more.
"Thanks. It could look better" he said while walking to the front desk to 'register me in'. I looked at him and smiled.
"What are you doing?" Giggling and making my way over to the desk.
"How may I help you mad'dam?" He ask formally. I played along with it.
"Um yes sir, I would like a  room on the first floor. Not to far back from the lobby, but not too close."
"Will due" he brings out a room keycard handing it to me. "No payment just go" he chuckled cutely to me.
"Why thank you, you are too kind" I laughed and he laugh with me. I walked to the room 'a123' that's what it said on the envelope and I swiped the key in the slot opening the door. The room was perfect, because it was only me. So one bed, nice bathroom and shower, a desk and TV.
"Well what do you think?" Danny popped up behind me.
"Damn it, you scared me Danny. Dont do that!"
"Sorry" He smiles a little. "What do you think." I looked around some more.
"Maybe a few arrangements later but it perfectly fine for me" putting my bags on the bed and taking my heels off.
"Listen Titania... I..." he brushes his hair back. I interrupted him.
"Do you have anything to drink?"
"Uh, yeah will wine due?"
"That would be nice" I said as I nodded. He left my room to go get wine and I followed him out to the lobby. He goes to the kitchen .
"Red or white?" He held up to bottles.
Um, red please." I said sitting on one if the stools. Danny pour two glasses of red wine.
"Listen Titania, I was, wanting to tell you. I'm not what you think." He stops his words short.
"Well what do you mean" I asked receiving my glass and taking a sip.
"I mean, I'm not a good person."
"Elaborate" tilting my ears.
"I'm a criminal Titania!" His ear sank in shame. "I should have told you soon before while we were in that apartment building" he confessed. I smiles to him widely and sips my wine again. "What?" He then became confused. I was looking in my glass smiling.
"You say your a criminal huh? Your gonna love me". Danny looks at me." I'm a criminal as well, but I'm off the grid."
"Off the grid? How?" He looked at me in concern and surprise.
"I was with my mom and my aunt, we were driving back home, from a club and some guy crashes into us. They died because neither of them were moving, not a word, not a groan, nothing. I was in the back seat and I saw the guys struggling out the driver window, he got away, so, I cut myself with some glass leaving my DNA so they can be clueless and try to trace me." I pulled out my fake ID card. "I'm off the grid. I change my ID card once every two weeks" I smiled to him. Danny face was just in shock, it was kinda funny to look at after a while.
"Wow" he said.
"Ever since I saw him get away I've been trying to look for him. I remember his face, the colors of his fur." Putting my wine glass down. "And my best attraction for him is to rob famous Jewelry stores, because he looked like him loved bling. He's gonna wanna know who is doing it, and come to me." I paused, then my voice gets shaky. "I have a gold gun, with one gold bullet, just for him. I just need..." Stroking my wine glass with my claw being sexy and classy. "...a partner in crime." Danny looking a bit nervous lifting his ears.
"Um, um.. I.." I cut him off.
"It's fine if you don't want to."
"No no, I'm just overwhelmed with all the information and secrets just now." He smirked.
"Well your little secret was just as surprising" I giggled. He finished his wine and so did I.
"I'd love to be your partner in crime and I have just the place to do our thing tonight" Danny winked at me and I blushed. We talked and talked for the rest of that evening. My day had only gotten better with Danny.

Wow, Titania telling Danny so much at one place in one moment of time. THATS CRAZY. jk. But I wonder how Danny feels about all of this.
Thank you for reading my story so far. I never thought I'd have readers. I hope some of you would keep my story in your library and enjoy as I update. Also please vote for my book. No pressure I'm not forcing but it would help and mean a lot to me as a new writing for Wattpad. THANK AND I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED!

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