Your Child Looses A Tooth

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Ross: “Want me to pull it out?” he smiles, wiggling you daughters tooth a little. Her eyes get so wide you think they’re going to pop out of her head, and she starts moving her head from side to side. She rips her head back, and let’s out a small groan. “See, it wasn’t that hard,” he said, holding up the tooth. “My tooth!” she exclaimed, looking it over.

Riker: “What’s a tooth fairy?” your son wondered aloud, looking up to Riker. “When you lose a tooth, you set it under your pillow, and she’ll give you money for it,” he replied, watching him with eager eyes. Your son’s face lit up, “Let’s go lose a tooth now!” he said excitedly, pulling him up the stairs. He refused to come back down until his tooth was out!

Rocky: “It hurts,” she whined, her eyes filling up with tears. “Okay,” he said, picking her up. He placed her on the bathroom counter, tilting her head up. He wiggled the tooth a little, squinting his eyes. When he got her distracted enough, he pulled it out. “All done,” he smiled. She smiled too, holding her mouth until she saw the blood pouring down, and completely freaked out!

Ratliff: Ellington was more excited about his son loosing a tooth, than he was. He held it in his hands, the both of them racing to show you. “Look, look, look!” you heard your son yell throughout the house until he got to you. “Wow, look at that!” you smiled, examining it. “Don’t forget to show the tooth fairy,” you chuckled. With that, he was pulling Ell upstairs back into his room!

Ryland: “You’re growing up,” he sighed playfully, holding the tooth. He ruffled your daughter’s hair. She smiled proudly, nodding. You knew what she wanted, just by the way she was acting. “Daddy,” she said with pleading eyes, “Since I lost a tooth, can we go get ice cream now?” she grinned. He pretended to think about it, but picked her up anyway and took her anyway!

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