Life hurts, but oh well

36 0 14

Ever have those days, where you want to cry, you want to scream, you want to just give up, but you can't? You are forced to stay there and do absolutely everything you are told like the 'good child you are'.. you can't break down and let all of those dark thoughts out, they must stay caged in, breaking you while no one takes any SMALL bit of notice because all you show is a smile. The smile you use to hide the pain, and you've had it so long it's just a habit that can't stop. You can't be yourself because you will just be pushed aside, downgraded, flat out ignored..... it's just a phase they say, but no.. they don't understand this can last much longer than a 'phase'.. you hurt.. and no one can fix it..

Well guess what, I'm not a child anymore... there's no more fantasies and fairy tails... real life hit years ago, and it hit hard..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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