Full of Surprises

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Hey, baby girl! I'll be in Sacramento in a few hours. Just gotta wrap up this business meeting and go to the airport to catch my flight! I can't wait to finally meet my grand baby, Noe. Love you, see you in a few,

Joelle was coming into town, and his timing couldn't be anymore perfect. Janelle just had the worst day of her life. The love of her life and father of her child turned out to be the biggest liar she'd ever come across in her 20 years of existence. She still wanted to be with him!  She had so many thoughts clouding her mind. She couldn't think straight. All she could think about was her family and how could she possibly make this work? At this point, Noelle and William were all that she had. Her siblings were all still in Nara. Joelle was close by in Hawaii, but not close enough. William helped her feel safe, loved. Most of all, William gave her a reason to love-- a family of her own. She emailed him back.

Hey dad,
I'm actually having the worse day of my life. And here you come, to the rescue. I'd swear your name was Clark Kent is it wasn't Joelle Gates. I was actually wondering if you'd take Noe off of my hands for the weekend? I need to fix some things around the house.

Janelle had to fix a broken door, shattered glass from her broken coffee table, and most of all her broken heart. It was about 1 in the afternoon, and it would only take Joelle about 3 hours to get to here. She could make it to a hardware store to buy a new door before it closes. She couldn't just not have a door. Anything to help her preoccupy her mind from all of the drama she had just gone through would be of a great service to her.

Sure, baby girl. I'm at the airport now. I should be at your house in 3 hours.

No! He couldn't come to her apartment! She didn't want him to ask any questions about anything that happened that day. Joelle had not met William yet, and she didn't want him to meet him knowing everything that went down earlier that day. He'd immediately hate him!

Uh, Dad. I'll just meet you at your hotel. Will you be at the Hilton? I have some errands to run so I won't be home for a few hours.

Hopefully, he doesn't ask any questions and just agrees to meet her at his hotel. She really didn't want him to see what happened in the studio. He'd probably think William put his hands on her or something by the way the house was torn up.

Sure, sweetie. Want to let me know what's going on? I'll be at the Hilton. Meet me in the lobby around 4 PM. Bring all of the baby stuff. We'll spend some quality time. I hope mommy can squeeze some in for grand Papa this weekend, too? He sure misses his little lotus flower.

That's why she loved Joelle so much. He was so understanding and loving.

We'll talk later, Dad. Not ready yet. Sure you'll understand. See you at 4 with Noe. I'm so excited to see you!

She closed her email to avoid further conversation. It might lead to her having to explain her unhappiness. A conversation that would ultimately lead to what "What did Will do wrong?" What didn't Will do wrong? Such an asshole. He did everything wrong! Fuck him!

After three hours of waiting on Janelle outside of the bathroom door, William gave in. He did so very reluctantly, but he knew what he had done. How could he expect her to just come out, listen to him, and forgive? He couldn't. And Janelle was stubborn. He knew she'd stay locked inside of the bathroom with Noelle as long as he stood outside of the door. She didn't need pampers because they were in the changing station in the bathroom, and she breast fed the baby.

"You win, Janelle. I'm gone. I hope you find it in your heart to let me talk to you later," he proposed as he walked out of the front door to head to his sister's.

Janelle packed Noelle a bag full of pampers and wipes and another bag with a couple of outfits, sleepers, bibs, receiving blankets, and miscellaneous items like diaper rash, bottles, thermometers, and pacifiers. Luckily she had a lot of breast milk she'd pumped in the freezer. She'd just have pump more and bring it to her dad over the weekend. Noelle was a greedy baby. She grabbed her car keys and stopped and looked at the door. It was hanging a bit off the hinges, and Anika kicked it so hard the bottom half of the door had broken off. Stupid bitches.

It was 4:30 PM now, and Joelle should've been at the hotel by now. Janelle and Noelle had arrived and approached the service desk at the Hilton.

"Hello. Has Joelle Gates checked into this hotel yet? I'm his daughter, Janelle Lang. He should be expecting me"

The woman at the service desk was a short, petite blonde-haired woman. She had ocean blue eyes just like Joelle and rosey cheeks. She smiled at her, and signaled for her to give her a moment as she searched for a guest named Joelle Gates.

"Ah, yes. Joelle Gates is here. He left a note saying he'd be expecting one Janelle Lang and an infant. Instructions to give you a room card were also noted," the woman said as she reached in a drawer to get the room card and hand it to Janelle, "here you are, Janelle! Mr. Gates' room will be on the 5th floor, room number 530. Hope you all enjoy your stay."

Boarding the elevator, Janelle pressed "5" and took a deep breathe. She didn't want to appear too troubled when around Joelle. He could always read her like a book. In any case, she hadn't seen her dad in a year or so! She was excited to see him, and she was even more excited for him and Noelle to finally meet. She was nervous though. The melanin in her baby's skin was a clear indication that Noelle was mixed with African-American. Joelle had expressed to Janelle that he nurtured a distaste for African-American men. He viewed them so negatively for reasons he never really explained to here. But, she loved African Americans. Before William and Janelle met, she had developed friendships with plenty of African-American women and men on her school's campus. He'd never asked her about the ethnicity of her lover, either. Would he scold her? She was seconds from finding out.

She reached the fifth floor and seen the sign indicating which room numbers were in which wing of the floor. She turned right towards rooms 521-545. She approached room 530, took out her room key, and injected it into the key scanner on the door. Joelle emerged off of the couch and turned the television off.

"Hey, honey!" He rushed toward her and kissed her on each cheek,"and who do we have here?!"

he gently removed the baby from his daughter's arms and examined her. Noelle was asleep, but the talking woke her up. She fluttered her curly eyelashes and revealed her pretty hazel eyes. She had thick and wavy hair for a three-month-old baby, and her skin was a very light brown color with a kiss of pink in it. She also had big lips and chubby cheeks. Suddenly the unexpected happened...

"Jay, this is the most beautiful baby I had ever seen! Her father must be black. I can tell by the color of her skin. I'm in love. Where is Will, anyways?! I have to meet the guy. He did take part in this beautiful creation I have to pleasure of calling my grand baby."

Where is Will? Hopefully, burning in hell. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Absent-mindedly, Janelle opened the door without asking who was there.

Oh my God!

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