Tired of being the princess

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"Nyx, it's time to get up. You have a very busy day today so unless you dont want free time I suggest you get up now," Said my brother Byakuya who when I looked over was already dressed and waiting rather impatiently.

"No brother I'm tired of all these 'busy days'. Why cant we just take one day to sit back and relax?" I mumbled as I sat up, leaving the comfort of my warm blanket and into the freezing cold morning air.

"You know why, royalty doesn't take a break. There's just far too much for us to do. Now, come along, your ceremony starts intwo hours we haven't got much time," He said exiting my room expecting me to follow. I slowly stood up and dragged my feet across the newly polished wood floors and stumbled on the rug in the main hall, causing me to run into Byakuya who grunted in annoyance but walked on. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and relaxed my legs so he was practically dragging me along. We came to an abrupt stop and I fell to the floor with a huff, only to be carried away by my stylists. I gave byakuya a pleading look and he just looked at me with an amusing twinkle in his eye and walked away, leaving me to suffer.

"Oh my my Nyx your hair is always so knotted in the morning its like brushing a rock," Said the hair stylist Ami. I growled in annoyance but she didn't pay any mind.

"You think her hair's bad? Oh, honey try doing her makeup. She's tried to bite me three times already!" My makeup artist, Rei complained. I smiles inwardly and snapped my teeth at her again when she tried to put lipstick on me.

"Hey! Im right here you know!" I snarled. The both apologized but continued fussing about me in their chirpy voices.

"Well I dont know what you guy's problem is. I have no problems with her whatsoever. Her body is so prefectly proportioned that no matter what I put on her she just looks fantastic!" Praised my favorite stylist, Sai as he walked over to the chair I was strapped into to prevent my escape. I blushed and smiled lightly at him for coming in to save me.

"Her makeup looks good I dont want you to change a thing Rei. Ami, She looks like her hair was in a tsunami what  were you thinking? Here, let me do it," He instructed as the both stepped away from me so he could work his magic. Sai was the head stylist so both of them listened to what he said and did what he asked no matter what it was. 

"Now lets put it up like this... Ami hand me those hair sticks? Thank you, almost there.... and ... perfect!" He shouted with a proud smile on his face. The two girls clapped respectively and I spun my chair around to see what he had done. My hair as in a flawless bun held together my two black hairsticks with two strands of my flaming red hair on either side on my face, caressing my jawline that were slightly curled. My lips were a soft pink with a glossy look and I had a design in the side of my eye drawn with liquid eyeliner in black that looked like a cherry blossom. I was breathless and they all smiled at me lovingly knowing that they had finally done something I liked.

"So... What do you think?" Sai asked.

"I-it's absolutely beautiful, thank you," I said softly, almost like a whisper. The silemce and happy moment didnt last long after the clock sounded off signaling that it was time to go get dressed. I was unstrapped from the chair and was ushered into another door by Sai. We stopped in a room full of mirrors and a whole wass full of dresses that Sai had made himself. I stood still as he walked away and came back with a black kimono and a white haori with black feathers and pink cherry blossoms that looked like they were floating down from heaven with grace that can only be mastered by gods. slipped on the kimono which I found only went to my knees then the haori which went all the way down to the floor with a slight train in the back. I stepped into some black sandals and before I could thank Sai the clock rang once more so I gave him a simple nod of my head and ran back to my room.

After bursting through the door, I went to my nightstand and opened the drawer. I pulled out a little, purple velvet box and opened it carefuly as if it was glass that could break at any moment. Inside was a ring with a silver band and a rare black diamond in the center accompanied my small regular diamons going around the top half of the band. I slipped it on my right ring finger and smiled at it lovingly. I was lost in a trance until a knock came at my door.

"U-uh c-come in," I said shakily. The door opened slowly to reveal my father who when he saw me smiled and had a soft look in his eyes. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my slender figure in a tight embrace which I gratefully returned.

"My daughter... and to think, it seemed like it was yesterday when you took your first steps. Now youre twenty and all grown up. I'm so proud of you my darling.  couldnt wish for anything better," He cooed. I grinned and felt tears well up in my eyes but they stopped as something cold found its way around my neck. I pulled away to see a priceless black diamond necklace with little pink cherry blossoms between each gem. I looked at him in complete and utter shock.

"Father... I-I cant this is mom's it's not mine to wear," I said looking him in the eye.

"Your mother wanted me to give this to you on this day as a birthday gift," he said looking down. I nodded and he cleared his throat and said in his usual monotone voice, "Continue getting ready. You only have ten minutes until me must leave." And with that he left me to my thoughts. I walked out the door and wandered the halls until I saw my sister, Rukia staring at a picture hanging on one of the walls.

"Rukia!" I yelled. She whipped her head around and smiled when she saw it was me calling her. 

"Oh hello Nyx. You look lovely today," She said placing a hand on her bulging stomach. She had been expecting for a while but nobody knew when the day she was due. 

"Thank you Rukia. How have you and ichigo been?" I asked politely.

"Just wonderful. He's been so paranoid lately about the arrival of our first child. This is the first time ive been out of his sight in weeks," She laughed lightly and I giggled at her remark

"Well thats good. I-" I was cut off my a hand being placed on my shoulder. Turning around I was that it was brother Byakuya coming to collect me and take me to the ballroom. 

"Come on Nyx, it's time to go," He said walking behind me and pushing me forward. I grunted and walked along with rukia by my side. We all walked in silence untilByakuya decided to speak up.

"Now, we all expect you have today.There will be many suitors here and you want to impress them in hopes to become their bride. Any bad bahaviour will be reprimanded understood? Such actions should not be performed by a princ-"

"And what if I dont wish to be a princess brother? What if I want to be a normal civillian? A princess is not my destiny brother," I snarled. 

"You are the only daughter left that isn't married. You were born into this family you cannot just throw away your title," He stated a little more sternly

"What about Rukia? She never had to do this?!" I was now yelling at this point.

"Rukia decided to run away and was stripped from her title! Do not bring others into this conversation just to save yourself!" Byakuya's voice was almost matching mine in volume.

"Then maybe I should just run away! I will NOT marry one of those snobby suitors and I will NOT become a princess! I'm sick of this proper stuff and paperwork and publicity! I hate this life and I-I hate you Nii-san!" I screamed and ran to the ballroom searching for a friend. I heard Byakuya yelling my name in the background in a slight begging tone but I ignored It. I just had to find somebody... anybody.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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