Chapter 7 - Give my heart a break .

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Jaeyoung POV

I rested my head on my clenched fist as I look at Jaebum and Haneul cuddling and their noses touching .


Yea ... I should stop. Hoping for nothing is just useless .

An arm brought me into a hug .

" you sure you're okay ?"
Jinyoung said .

I nodded in his shoulder , cherishing the hug and warmth that this man is giving me . I slowly hugged him back .

Jaebum POV

My eyes traveled to across the room where Jaeyoung was seated at the same last row as me.
I clenched my fist without knowing . My arm that was over Haneul's shoulder brought her closer to me and hugged her tightly .

But , my heart that was somehow in pain , stayed at its condition . Maybe the pain was even more .

" Oppa~ are you okay?"
Haneul pouted on my chest .

What !!? No !! You love her , don't you !!?

" ahem .. Yea .. I'm fine "
I forced out a smile .

She hummed and smiled happily as she cuddled closer to my chest .

Jaeyoung suddenly stood up and went out of class . Everyone then looked at the door where the teacher was .

She sighed
" Jinyoung, help Jaeyoung get her bag will you ?"

He nodded , packed her stuff and left the room .

What happened to her?
Is she okay ?
Is she going home ?
Who's taking her home ?
Is she gonna be alright in that apartment alone without Kailey ?
Is she gonna be okay cooking alone with whatever her condition was ?

" bum , Jaebum-ssi . IM JAEBUM "
The horrid voice boomed

I looked up and asked
" ne ? "

" what's the answer for question two ?"

" x = -8 , ma'am "

" good , moving on ..."

The bell finally rang and everybody quickly left the classroom . A hand suddenly touched my forehead and I flinched .

" Oppa , are you okay ? You keep on spacing out"
A high pitch voice asked me.

" I'm fine Haneul-ah "
I answered , walking out quickly wanting to find JinYoung to ask where Jaeyoung went .

" JinYoung-ah !"
I panted , tapping his shoulder .

" ouh. Hyung . Wae?"

" where'd Jaeyoung go?"

" why ? And shouldn't you be worrying about Haneul who isn't beside you ?"
He raised one his eyebrows .

" I can find her later "

" why do you want to know anyways?"

I looked at the ground .
Why do I ?

" do you ... Perhaps.. Like her?"
He smirked .

" N-nNO ! I'm a her friend and just her friend ! CAN'T A FRIEND WORRY ABOUT HIS FRIEND ?!? "

" woah , chill hyung"

" God , JinYoung . So where is she ?"

" she's right beh-"

Someone tapped my shoulder .

" right here "

Jaeyoung POV

I'm her friend and just her friend ! CAN'T A FRIEND WORRY ABOUT HIS FRIEND ??!?

Friend .

I'm just a friend .

I tapped his shoulder ,

" right here "

He turned back and smile .

" where'd you go ?"
He pouted .

Please.. Please stop ..

" the nurses room "
I smiled .

" why ? Do you have a fever ? "
He asked , putting his hand on my forehead.

" Ani , I'm fine "
I smacked his hand away .

He smiled brightly .

Please? Please just stop

" let's go to lunch toget-"

" OPPPA !!!! "
Haneul screamed as she jumped on Jaebum's shoulder .

He's smile went even brighter

Is that even possible ?

" Jagiya!"

Spare my heart .. Pity it if you will

JinYoung looked mad .

" Jaebum-ah ! Jaeyoung and I a re going now ."

" oh ! Well have fun ! Kaja jagiya ! "

The couple left , JinYoung went closer to me .

" you okay ?"
He asked as he put back a stray strand of hair behind my ear .

I hummed .

He sighs
" kaja "
He smiled

I smiled back . Took his arm and walked away with him .

I looked back and instantly regretting my decision , I held my tears and smiled when I saw
Jaebum and Haneul kissing as he pinned her to the lockers smiling after every kiss he gave to her .

Please ... Give my heart break ..

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