Chapter 7: Who Wouldnt?

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[A/n: Im going to use my natural writing style I use for my main story, if you don't like it ill to back. Let me know how you feel :)]

Joeys POV

I woke up at 7 in the morning which meant I was the only one up

I decided to wake Ricky up so I could talk to him about Shane. I mean I was desperate

I nudged him and he groaned "What?" Clearly Ricky was not a morning person

"Never mind then" I'd leave him alone. I think I'm just gonna try and go back to sleep, but then I hear someone call my name

"Joey!" It was Shane! "meet me in the hall" he got up and I started to worry, what if it was something bad, or maybe he was gonna tell me that he loves me.

I met him in the hall "What did you need?" His facial expression went from happy to worry, which made me worry.

"I'm really sorry Joey" for what? What did he do?


"Well I knew you liked me and I didn't really help you with your crush by acting all lovey and shit with Ingrid so I'm sorry." I smirked because he actually cared about me, although it wasn't in the way I want him to, it was close enough.

"Shane it's fine really, don't worry" he smiled and sighed in relief.

"I can help you get over it. Trust me, I know this kid Tyler and he's gay and I think you'd be a cool couple! You want me to help?" Just like that my smile vanishes. He doesn't get it. I've been hung up on him for 7 years and maybe a kiss with Ricky will cure Shane of his crush but it didn't cure me

"No Shane. I don't want to date Tyler." I wish he would just understand that I'm madly in love with him. But I mean I guess he's just trying to help me.

"Well who do you like in the school" he chuckled before adding "ya know besides me? I'm pretty sure most people would date you. You're good looking, funny, nice and caring. You're a catch dude, who wouldn't jump at the chance?" He laughed and I frowned

"You" I sighed and went back into the room leaving Shane frowning.

Shane's POV

I'm terrible when it comes to this. Why couldn't I just shut up and not try and force him on Tyler.

\Monday Morning\

I met Luke at the bus stop like I usually do.

"Are you sure you don't mind me and Ingrid?" I was scared Luke secretly hated me and I couldn't lose my best friend

"Like I said. I moved on, me and Meghan became a thing Sunday, I'm happy for you." I sighed in relief and ironically Meghan and Ingrid walked up to us a few minutes later

"Hey Babe" I can't help it with Ingrid she's beautiful and adorable at the same time. I kissed her and Megan and Luke did the same.

"Ingrid, wanna skip first period and come and hang out with us?" I know this sounds crazy but I could be falling for her. I don't usually let period join us during first period.

"I don't know..." I really wanted her to come just this once

"Don't worry, you don't have to do it everyday, just this once?" I gave her silly puppy dog eyes and she laughed

"I guess it wouldn't hurt missing class just this once" I smiled an kissed her cheek.

"I wouldn't let you miss anymore than that anyway, you're a straight A student and I'm not ruining that" she smiled

"Awe thanks!" I saw sawyer and Joey walking towards us and waved they both waved back and Joey smiled his goofy regular smile. Thank god! I was scared he didn't want to talk anymore

"Hey Shane!" How is he this perky on a Monday. I guess I'll never know

"Hey Newbie, how are you this perky on Monday?" He laughed and shrugged. The bus pulled up and we got on, I sat with Ingrid rather than Lisa today which was weird to me considering I always sit with Lisa.

"So Joey, you wanna skip period 1 with us today?" Sawyer asked but knew he was gonna get Joey to say yes anyway. I don't know why he didn't just demand him to come

"Depends who's gonna be there?"

Luke started to speak "Shane, Sawyer, Anthony, Ricky-" he was gonna be there?

"Ricky is gonna come?" I was happy and confused at the same time

"Yeah, Anthony invited him. Why do you not want him there?" That's the opposite, Ricky was like my best friend and I guess still is next to Luke.

"No it's no big deal, just curious" I chuckled and Luke continued.

"Um, JC, Me, Ingrid and Lisa considering she always joins Monday"

Joeys POV

I know I should let Shane go and not hate Ingrid but I can't help it and now that she's gonna be with us during period 1. I wanted to scream but said yes anyway

"Yeah sure why not!" Why not? Ingrid that's why.


I'm not really in love with this chapter because its really boring and short but ill add on later I just wanted it up?

How are you guys liking it? Or how should I improve on the story?

And one more thing. If I did a question of the day, would people answer. I would give the winner a shout out or something but give me your thoughts!


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Twitter- @HoranFangirls_

Instagram- @ShoeyFans ShoeyFans



Love you xx

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