Chapter 5 Bet Canceled

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Freddy's Pov
I'm starting to really like Tomika I think I need to stop this bet before she finds out. I really don't want to lose her. I thought I could push these feelings away but I was wrong. [Walks over to Henry]
F- Henry I need to talk to you
H- What's up
F- I don't want to do the bet anymore
H- Why
F- I just don't want to ok
H- Oh I know why you don't want to do the bet anymore, because you know you're going lose
F- No because...I'm not telling you {I don't want him to know I like Tomika because I know he'll tell her}
(A/N: {} These mean what the character is thinking [] these mean what the character is doing and () these mean how the character says something or they're feelings)
H- Whatever but if you cancel the bet then you have to give me the 50 dollars
F- Why if no one won
H- Actually I win cause you didn't get her to go on a date with you
F- Fine I'll do anything to stop this bet
H- Great so where is my money
F- I don't have it right now I'll give it to you tomorrow
H- Ok fine
F- [Leaves and goes home]
At Freddy's House
F- Hey auntie I'm sleeping over at a friends house so I won't be here ok
Freddy's Aunt- Ok
F- [Goes to pack clothes] Bye
Freddy's Aunt- Bye have fun
F- Ok
At Tomika's House
F- [Rings doorbell]
T- Hi
F- Hey
T- Come on in
F- Ok [steps inside] wow it's been awhile since I've been here
T- Yeah come on let's practice in my room
F- Ok
F and T- [Runs to Tomika's room]
T- [Gets to the top first] Ha ha I win
F- [Out of breath] I didn't even know we were racing
T- You should know everything is a competition with me
F- But we're not friends
T- Oh yeah, right (says disappointed)
F- I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that
T- Yes you did otherwise you wouldn't have said it (says angry)
F- Tomika I-[Gets cut off]
T- Let's just practice
F- Ok
[Starts playing song in chapter 3]
F- Ok Tomika now can I talk to you
T- Fine what
F- Look I know what I said and I didn't mean it, what I meant to say was we haven't been friends for a long time so I don't know much about you
T- So?
F- So I think we should catch up, let's get some food and talk about ourselves so we can get to know each other again
T- Fine. When?
F- Tomorrow
T- Ok what time
F- Around 3:30
T- Ok I guess
F- Great it's a date
T- NO uhh I mean...let's not call it a date let's call it...a hang out or something like that but not a date
F- Um ok
T- Anyways we should get some sleep
F- Yeah I guess
T- There is a bathroom on the left of the hallway you can change there
F- Ok [goes into bathroom and changes into pj's]
T- [Changes into pj's too]
F- [Goes into Tomika's room] So where am I sleeping
T- I have an inflatable bed you could sleep on, it's in my closet and so is the inflater
F- Ok [Gets out the bed and inflates it]
T- Good night Freddy
F- Good night Tomika
T and F- [Falls asleep]

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