"Natsu finally realizes...:''

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I can't believe it. For once, Lucy actually wasn't talking to me, it's really wierd. Maybe I embarrassed her? Did I say something wrong?, Is she that paranoid that I think something crazy of her feelings?! Cause' I except them. In fact I might just feel the same way! Wait... do I? ...Ah my  head hurts! I've never been so worried! I only worry think much about...wait it's always Lucy? "No!" I screamed. The whole guild was staring at me... awestruck. My blood ran cold in embarrassment. "Did I just say that out loud?" I scratched my head.         

"yes!" The whole guild said in unison... wait! I was In the forest! The guild disbanded I simply imagined everything. Wow. I'm not usually the kind to go crazy over some thin'  but here we go! The only people who were here were Lucy and happy.  They sat up in their sleeping bags staring at me.. "Hehe..."I was nervous for once. "Mornin'?"  Lucy lays  back down instantly when she heard my voice.I could guess she was ignoring me. What is wrong with her? Have I been awake all night!? Uh! My stupid head still hurts! 

Happy was siriously worried. 

Too worried

He's gonna start teasing in 3...2....1: I cued him with a gesture of my hand. 

"Oh, no! NATSU you've got it bad for Lucy! Hehe... am I right?"

"I..., um..., hehe..., uh... I suppose you can call it that?" 

Happy was teasing, but Evan so, hes my friend and he cares about me, he was genuinely worried to. Just as worried as I was about Lucy. 

"As long as that's it, I'll go back to dreaming about yummy fishies" He slowly dozed off.

"Yup." I laughed as I finally started to get tired.

(NOTICE HOW NATSU isn't as LIGHT headed as most of us think, ever since Lucy, he has learned to overthink things.  


Oh wow! Is Natsu going crazy? 'cause I could've sworn I heard him yell 'no!' Hehe It's actually kind of cute,... I slapped myself. Snap out of it Lucy,... Geez! natsu Has really been on my mind lately. Well, at least since he rejected me! uh! why do guys never notice how they feel! I Feel  like i'm in a crazy chick flick.  Unless he ends up saying yes! That would be wonderful! I was laying awake at night thinking about this. untill,... I heard natsu murmuring in his sleep.

"Luce,..." He sighed. "Don't leave me,..." He kept his mumbling.  Usually,  he has nightmares, about how he couldn't protect his friends. I knew that much, so I sighed and kept thinking.But there was the one sentence that warmed my heart, as well as shocked me. 

"I,...Love,... you,..." He sated clearly.  I put my hand to my chest, feeling something fuzzy in my heart. 

"OM-squeeeeel!" I heard the mysterious force say. (Author)

"But out!" I yelled blushing. 

"sorry but weather you like it or not Lucy i keep the story of your life going.'' 

ooooh, she must be a story writer of the heavens to write peoples lives?

" Mmmm,.. meh. What you think is close enough."

" Just don't squeel! Wait,...are me and natsu gonna be together in the end?"

"sorry, I can't say, But something big is going to happen! Now, just go to sleep, i want tomarrow morning to be especially interesting for you."

"oh yay!" I almost jumped.  And I went back to sleep.

man! Allot of firsts today!

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