Chapter Uno

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Hey guys! This is mine and my best friend Kayla's account. This is our first story. Hope you enjoy!

Ivy's POV

I love having a boyfriend. Joel is my world. He knows exactly what to say when I feel low, which I really need ever since being bullied back in middle school. Joel is absolutely gorgeous also, which is surprising because what attractive guy would ever go out with me? Seriously, with his dark brown locks and chocolate brown eyes that I just-

*School Bell rings*

As I am pulled out of my thoughts, someone walks behind me and obscures my vision. 

"Guess who?" I would recognize the voice anywhere.

"Its William isnt it?' I ask sarcastically, knowing fully well who it is. I feel the hands come off my face and I am turned around, only to see my boyfriend. 

"Did you really not know it was me?" he gasped playfully.

"Of course I knew it was you," I said as I leaned my head onto his chest and we walked out of the school.

We've been dating for about a year now and have not yet said those three little words... "I love you," he said.

This caught me by surprise. My mind was racing. I mean do I love him? Do I really love him? Yes, I do.

"I love you too babe," I said and kissed his cheek, "Let's go to my house today, my parents won't be home until 7."


Once we had driven to my house and gotten inside, we were greeted by my overly excited dog, Shelby. She loves Joel and we both know it.

We decided to just relax because a lot has been going on in school with homecoming approaching quickly. Speaking of homecoming, I still need to get a dress... I will worry about that later, right now I will just concentrate on the movie and the heat of Joel beside me.

The next thing I new I was in my bed with Joel sitting next to me and watching me sleep. When he noticed I was awake, he brushed the hair away from my face and said, "Good morning, babe."

"What time is it?" I asked very confused and groggily.

"It's 6:30, your parents will be home soon." he said sadly, "I'm surprised we haven't been interrupted by your sister yet."

Almost as if on queue there is a knock on my door. 

"What do you want?" I half shouted.

"It's mom on the phone," my twin sister Jasmine shouted back.

Once I opened the door she handed me the phone and left just as quickly as as she had appeared.

"Hello?" I said into the mouthpeice of the phone.

"Hey Ivy it's mom, I just wanted to let you know that your dad and I won't be able to make it home tonight because the weather is bad and we are at a friend's house. There is some left over lasagna in the fridge so you can make dinner for yourself."

"Ok," I responded plainly, "Love you, bye." I said and quickly hung up.

As I returned to my room, a smile played across my face and Joel looked confused. I sat on my bed and told him about my parents plans. I really hoped he could stay the night and I asked him if he could just tell his parents he was staying at friends house for the night, he happily obliged. That night i fell asleep listening to his steady heartbeat and calm breathing.


 It was September thirteenth, my birthday, and I was walking home from school with the colorful leaves crunching beneath my feet and the crisp fall air blowing through my hair.

Jasmine was walking with her friends so I had no protection from being bullied. They never bullied me when she was around.

I heard some laughing behind me and turned around afraid of who it could be. Suddenly, my books were knocked out of my hands and I was pushed into a nearby ditch while being called horrific names.

I didn't have the strength to get up and continue home so I just lied there until an unknown voice called to me.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?"  That was the first time I met Joel.

Ayyo, so there was the first chapter for you all. I know it's kind of a cliff-hanger but I hope that will make you want to continue reading. (this is Kayla btw) Please remember to read, vote, and comment. Bye, lovlies Xx

Haha I'm not British, what was that?

I wish I was British though. 

Happy Holidays (whatever you celebrate or even if you dont celebrate at all)

Better ending in




Peace out home skillets! :)

P.S. if this chappie gets 10 votes and 1 comment (such low standards, but hey, gotta start out small) we will post the next chapter. (BTW that was the other one. We are gonna keep her name a secret until the last chapter, so get voting!) 

P.P.S. creds go to Kayla for writing most of the chappie!

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