No way

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Astrid's POV: no way the famous deadly sin is my brother?! Ban looked at him "y-you?" He stuttered he nodded "yes ban I'm a demon and this girl" he poked my cheek "is my sister" BEN's eyes widened "no way!" He yelled I hit my head of a tree slowly "why you!" I yelled he tilted his head "why me?" He said pointing to him he's really pissing me off "it was all going great I just wanted my brother to see you not get into a fight and almost GET KILLED!" I yelled then stopped I cleared my throat "Sorry" I said they nodded "so" my brother said "FIGHT!" He yelled "fight Meliodas?" I asked he nodded my eyes widened I raised my arm left arm my right arm is over 9000!!!! A blue glow of light then a sword (mystic sword 😏) appeared "even though your my brother I'll still kill ya" I said smirking he chuckled he got out that weird sword thing but it was fixed fully fixed I readied my sword "The storm king sings you know?" I said closing my eyes I could tell he was confused how? He made a noise like HUH "what now-" I cut him off by stabbing his stomach the sword shrunk I forgot.The sword can't handle demon blood "see brother after all these years I'm still-" I was cut off by a pain in my head all I remember was my brother yelling sister as I fell into a dark black hole                           Bens POV: ban hit my sisters head with some weird chain things I stared at him even other brother. Meliodas was shocked Meliodas quickly grabbed bans arm "What The Hell Do You Think Your Doing?!" He yelled ban smiled "captain your still alive!" He yelled and tried to hug him he jumped out the way gowther slowly walked over to my sister "well she is still alive but her magic levels are still higher then the captain" he said "h-how can that be?" I asked he shrugged "Wait a minute" he touched my sisters head (yandere mode activate 'boop') his eyes widened I've heard about him he has no emotions "captain I've looked in her memories before she left here she was the demon queen" he said shocked my eyes widened "my sister...IS A QUEEN?!" I yelled he nodded I smiled "no wonder she was stronger then Mel" I said he tilted his head "M-Mel?" He asked I nodded "my new nickname for you brother" I said he chuckled "nice job kid"

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