Chapter 2

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  Hoseok walked the empty hallways of the school in confusion.  He ran his fingers through his hair groaning.

  "Why doesn't she like me? I'm Jung Hoseok! I don't get it. She hangs out with everyone in the group but me.... Why doesn't she want to hang with me too?", he said biting his bottom lip in concentration. He continued to walk down the silent hallways thinking about his predicament. His eerie silence however, was interrupted by laughs and giggles. Male, and Female. But who? He turned the corner to find Y/n and Jungkook holding hands, laughing together, smiling at one another. Just Hoseok's luck. It had to be those two. 

  'Why does she like him so FUCKING much?', he thought gritting his teeth to keep from yelling. He regretted ever introducing the two. His plan A was to get Jungkook to make Y/n hang with himself. His plan backfired miserably. His breath caught in his throat as he saw them start to hug. HIS Y/n was hugging that boy. His friend. His tool. And just to add fuel to his fire, he saw that girl, kiss the younger boy on the cheek making his face go red. She laughed and waved running off to class. Hoseok's blood started to boil. The NERVE of that girl. She dared to kiss him. He growled and punched the locker in anger, leaving a slight dent in the cool metal. He smirked softly and  a spark came to his eye. He chuckled straightening up.

  "Oh Y/n..... You are definitely being punished for that damn stunt... And I know just how to Make. You. Melt.", said Hoseok now walking towards your classroom. 

~Time Skip brought to you by Chim Chim's Birthday~

  Since he had so many little 'Minions' you could say, he found out that Y/n always stayed behind to clean up the classroom at the end of the day. As he saw the swarm of students leave he slipped through and slammed the door shut. Y/n jumped in surprise as she saw the angered boy in front of her.

  "W-What the hell Hoseok?!?! Yo scared me to death!", yelled Y/n smacking his chest.  He looked down at her eyes dark and cold. She tilted her head to the side in confusion as to what was wrong. Hoseok grabbed her wrist and hip and pinned her to the ground.

  "You know what you did Y/n. Now stop playing innocent. I SAW YOU! And now you need to be punished...", growled Hoseok. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. 

'What the hell is he talk- oh god. He saw Jungkook and me....' thought Y/n. She was trying to think of a smartass comment to say but before she could get it out. Hoseok smashed his lips on to hers biting her bottom lip harshly before biting her neck leaving a dark bruise. He pulled back licking his bottom lip.

  "Hate to burst your bubble Y/n, but you are mine. got that? And if you cover that mark... let's just say you will get ALOT more." Hoseok purred out before walking out of the room leaving a blushing and confused Y/n on the floor.

 'What the hell was that?', thought Y/n as she got up wrapping her neck up in a scarf. Now what was she gonna tell Jungkook? Hell, how was she going to explain to Hoseok that Jungkook is gay for Taehyung?

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