Zodiac signs in a horror movie

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Aries: The first to die

Taurus: the one who comes to the house and finds everyone dead.

Gemini: the one who runs out the door instead of upstairs

Cancer: the one to future out who the killer is

Leo: the one who tells everyone to stay claim and then freaks out

Virgo: the one who sacrifices themselves

Libra: the one who tries to fight but ends up dead

Scorpio: the one who says " hello? Who's there?" Like the killer will answer

Sagittarius: the one who secretly helping the killer

Capricorn: the one who snaps and goes on a killing spree

Aquarius: the one who actually lives through it all

Pisces: the one who screams randomly.

Star SignsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant