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A word I hear a lot
but what does it mean?

When the darkness close in
What does it mean?

When you can't stand any longer
and your fight is reaching it's end
The battle inside is surely over
The battle has been lost
What does it mean?

What does it mean to hope?
When everything you hold close to your heart
is gone
When everything in your life
is wrong
What does it mean?

What does it mean?
When you're at your darkest of dark times
When you are being choked by the darkness
When you can't go on any longer
When you suffer daily
and are done with it all
What does it mean?

The word means a lot of things
but here's what it means to me

Hope means
That when the darkness closes in
You find the light breaking through

Hope is when
You no longer have to stand to fight a losing battle
You have people who are willing to fight for you and the end is finally seen
and you actually won

Hope means to
Find everything you lost with the help of those who care
And fix the wrong and make it right

Hope simply means to
Find the light
In your darkest of times
To breath
When breathing seems futile
To continue your journey of life
When that's the last thing on your mind
To come to the light and finally see the good
When you suffer and feel as if its all over

So hope means a lot of things
but this is what it means to me
Find light
Have friends who care
Continue on your path
And see the light again
To overcome the Darkness
That is hope
Hope for a better future

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