Chapter Fourteen

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*Perry's Point Of View* 

The game was amazing. Most of the time I was jumping around and shouting. It was the most fun I had in a while. When the last goal was scored I shouted, "I believe that we just won!" Quite a few people around me joined in.

Jay and I walked out of the stadium a little out of breath. "I guess this is where we part." He gave me a smile and a shoulder punch.

"I guess so." I glanced over at the team slowly starting to get onto the bus. I gave him a quick hug before making my way over. Alex placed a heavy coat over me to sheild me from the fans.

"I got ya." Kelley gently guided me to the back of the bus. Where Hope was waiting for me. I took the coat off and threw it to Alex. 

"Hey Hope! You played awesome!" I gave her a hug. A large one to be specific.

Hope laughed and hugged back. "Thank you, it was mainly the other's who did awesome. Now, let's sit. You need a shower once we get back." She teased, sitting down.

*Two And A Half Hours Later*

I slipped new clothing on. The shower felt nice, but sadly the water turned to ice. "Hope, when am I gonna get my stitches out?"

Hope kept her eyes trained on her phone. "In three days. It'll be done in Canada though."

"And when are you going to the airport?"

"Don't worry about it, just take a nap."

I nodded and sat down on the couch. Soon enough I drifted into a peacful sleep.

*At The Airport*

The girls decided to dress me in sunglasses, a snap back, and an over sized USWNT sweatshirt. I was at Hope's side tightly holding her hand. My stomach churned as I heard the fans squealing with excitement. I glanced over to one side, wondering what they were doing. Some took pictures as they held out jerseys to be signed.

Hope gently squeezed my hand and leaned down. "Go over to Dawn. She'll make sure you get on plane. I'll see you in a few minutes."

I nodded and quickly scampered over to the aged blonde. "Dawn, Hope said to come over to you." In all honesty I was pretty nervous about flying. I've never had a reason to be on one. At least until now.

"I got ya." Dawn wrapped an arm over my shoulders. "I'm guessing she didn't tell them yet, right?"

"Right." We managed to board the plane in one piece. I took off the sunglasses and the hat. The plane was pretty nice.

Someone came behind me and gave me a hug from behind. "Did you make it all in one piece?" Kling teased, giving me a squeez.

I laughed and managed to pry her off. "No, I'm in a million shattered pieces on the floor." I gave her shoulder a flick. Which was a stupid move. I got one in return.

"At least I'll be taller than you when that happens." She bragged, placing her hands on her hips.

"I don't get how Hope manages to put up with you."

"That is no way to speak to your Aunty Kling!"

"You are impossible." I groaned, giving her a playful eye roll.

"No, I'm Kling Possible."

"I hate you."

"No you love me!"

Shannon gently pushed Kling out of the way. "I need to get to my seat. Come on Perry. We're in the same row." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the back.

I followed, looking down at my things. "Wow. Wait, how did you know what row I'm in?"

"I may have looked when you told me to hold your stuff at the bathroom." Shannon put her things into the space above the seat. She then sat down on her inside seat.

I sat down next to her and let out a sigh. This is going to be one long ride, I thought. At least I have Shannon to talk to. Thank god it wasn't Kling. But I am a little sad that Hope is all the way in the front.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this chapter. So, comment your thoughts add slap that vote star!

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