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Best way to get followers and friends? Just be nice to people and,  be patient! You won't become popular within the first 5 minutes you have the app! You have to be patient and if you continue being nice, you're sure to get followers eventually. It would also help if you have written some books. Write your favorite genre! You shouldn't write about something you don't like just because it's popular. You should write about something you truly enjoy writing about, because if people like it, you might have to write more! Also, Don't be afraid to express yourself! Make your profile look interesting with lol of the interests you have! Have fun with your bio! I had fun writing mine.

I hope these tips help anyone go feels like they're struggling to fit into Wattpad or struggling to get followers. But please remember that popularity isn't everything. What matters is that you have fun on this app and that you make some friends!

Have a great day everyone!
All written by me, Jackie

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