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Even without being able to see the stars, the view is just as nice.

Surprisingly, it was Elliot who dragged you outside. The two of you sit side by side on the fire escape, the chilly wind stinging your cheeks, and the New York night life playing out before you on the streets. In all honesty, as much as you want to "enjoy the moment," you'd rather be inside, enjoying the blessing known as a radiator. But it's not very often you get to spend time with him so you try not to complain.

You're tempted to say something, make conversation maybe, but once the silence is broken, what will there be?

Elliot's not the most open, to say the least. You're not even sure how he feels about you most time. But you can't help being drawn to him. And it's not like he's pushed you away yet...Still, you're skeptical to make the next move; you don't want to overstep his personal boundaries.

He surprises you again when he is the one to end the quiet.

"You cold?"

He's got those wonderful eyes of his focused on you, and your heart picks up speed a bit.

"Me? A little I guess."

You don't want this to end just because you're a little chilly. You can hold on a little longer, you tell yourself.

"Are you cold?"

He shrugs in response. "Nah."

The effort of him starting the talking is enough to make you want to spill out a hundred things at once. You settle on the safest thing- the weather, as lame as that is.

"It's nice out. No clouds. Almost like you could see the stars."


That single word makes you smile. "Yeah," you say back. He's still looking at you, interested, so you continue. "When I was younger, I could see them all the time. Where I used to live. They'd fill up the sky and some nights I tried to count them all, one by one...

"Kind of hard to see them now, with all the New York lights. But sometimes I'll pretend an airplane or a satellite is shooting star. Sometimes I'll...make a wish."

The quiet returns for a moment and you close your eyes. Opening up is hard, especially with Elliot. It's so hard to tell what he's thinking, feeling.

"There's one now."

You open your eyes and look at him. "Hm?"

"A satellite. You gonna make a wish?"

"Well," you say, a small smile beginning to creep up on your face, "I wish I was less cold." You let out a short laugh and your teeth chatter a little.

"Ok," he says, and suddenly he's scooting closer to you and unzipping his hoodie. He extends one arm to you and wraps it around your shoulder."

"You cold?" Elliot asks, repeating his question from earlier.

You turn your face into his neck a bit, and when he doesn't flinch away from you, you press your lips against his collar bone.

"Me?" you reply, coming back out from his neck to look at him. "Nah."

He makes the next move to close the gap between the two of you and kiss you. It doesn't surprise you; you could read him this time.

It's cold and your lips are chapped and yes you'd rather be soaking up heat inside the apartment. But his lips are so soft and his body is so warm that you just decide to take in this whole moment for what it is.

So yeah. Kinda short but I really like this song so I decided write something. Wrote this on my phone so hopefully no typos 😅 Hope you liked it x

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