Chapter 2

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oki doin' it. 

If you don't watch the video then this won't make sense to you. But please, if you do not want to watch this video then please do not!


"It says he's over here," Steve whispered to everyone, glancing at a watch on his wrist. The watch had the coordinates of Peter's webshooter. Deadpool was indeed restless, but he was quiet, for the most part, which surprised everyone.

Steve pointed to an abandoned warehouse. The place was in ruins, and nobody expected anything to be happening. 

"So what's the plan, Cap?" Tony asked. He was in his suit, with his helmet in his hands. 

"Well we don't know what's in there, so Clint and Wade will go in the back as-,"

"Screw that, I am going in there, now!" Wade interrupted. 

"Jarvis, scan the building. Anything in there?" Tony asked. In a matter of seconds, Jarvis responded: 

"There are two lifeforms. There are no traps as far as I can see, sir." 

Tony nodded, and Steve took a deep breath in. 

"Fine, Deadpool. But you are going in first."


Deadpool had a gun out, ready to shoot anything and everything. There was a sound of glass shattering, and Deadpool's head whipped around to look at said glass. 

"Sir, one lifeform has just escaped, and is now leaving the premises," Jarvis's voice echoed throughout the warehouse. 

Tony cursed as his helmet began to lift onto his head. He turned on his thrusters and began to fly out of the warehouse. 

Wade realized that if the villain <most likely> fled, then Peter was the only one left in the warehouse. 

Running through the warehouse, Wade screamed:

"Peter! Where are you?" 

There was a small whimper in reply. Wade turned towards the noise and saw a small figure on the ground. He rushed towards the figure. 

"Peter?" he asked, kneeling on the ground. The figure turned, revealing Peter's bruised face. He was in his Spider-Man suit, which was bloody and scratched up. He wasn't wearing his mask, and Wade really only saw blood and bruises. His eyes were wide with pain. 

"What'd they do to you?" Wade asked, gently lifting Peter onto his lap. Peter hissed in pain. 

"P-Paralysis," Peter spat out, "t-torture."


Two Days Ago 

Peter woke with a start. 

"W-Wha...?" was all he could slur out. He heard a chuckle next to him. 

"What's wrong, Mr. Parker?" He knew that voice... only one eight-legged person had that scratchy of a voice. 

"What do you want with me..?" Peter spat out, now realizing with a fury that he did not have his mask on.

"I want to make you go through pain. And I know just how to do it."

Doc Ock smiled. He walked over to a graph. The graph showed a massive wasp. 

"If your plan is to scare me with giant bugs, then you win, now you can let me go," Peter quipped. 

"You wish, Spider," Doc Ock smiled. Since Peter was strapped up, he couldn't punch or even move as Doc Ock walked up next to him. He stuck a needle into Peter's arm harshfully, and right away, Peter felt the burn in his arm. He yelled out in pain, trashing in the restraints. 

"What I injected you with is Tarantula Hawk venom. It will not kill you, but it is the 2nd most painful sting in the world. It will leave you in paralysis for 5 minutes, where you can only scream in agony."

"Not... urgh.... that long, I can handle it," Peter smiled, then screamed in agony. He felt himself go limp, undergoing the paralysis. 

Doc Ock tsked, walking over to a chalkboard. 

"This is modified, therefore the pain is twice as horrible. Making it the number 1 most painful  in the world. It will go on for a long while, and this is only the start, Parker. There will be long hours of torture,"

Peter could only screamed and wish that the long painful hours would go by fast. 


"L-Lost a l-lot of b-blood," Peter said, groaning in pain. "G-Gonna pass out, soon." 

Wade shook his head as he began to gently lift Peter off the ground. 

"No, stay with me, okay?" 

Wade ran over to the others, noticing that Tony was now back. 

"The guy ran off, I don't know where he went. He got away," Tony said, obviously irritated. 

"Guys we have to get to the infirmary!" Wade said, running up to the group. He noted the way how Peter was limp in his arms. 

Everyone's eyes went wide as they saw the condition of Peter's mangled body. 

"Load him on the jet, we need to leave now," Steve said, running to the direction of the Quinjet. 

They ran into the jet, and Wade gently lay Peter onto the ground, trying not to move the boy. 

"What happened?" Steve asked, looking at Peter with wide eyes. 

"I don't know, all he said was paralyzed," 


A\N Really I needed to post somethin'. 

This work currently has 826 words. 


<How many of you come from my other series, "Spiders Never Forgive"? How many are new here?>

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