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Two Marines, were driving a little known road, talking about Halloween. But, these Marines are not from our ' Earth '.

" I tell you, my little girl wants to be ' Elsa ' from some, ' Frozen ' movie. Or some Hispania Princess, from some ' Disney ' show.",

said a Caucasion Marine to his Liberion - African colleague. " My boy wants to be, a ' WWE Wrestler', whatever that means.", said the

other. Then, the road in front of them, erupted in front of them. Suddenly, a cannister at that same time, was tossed into the driver's

side window. " Sleeping Gas!", shouted the lighter skinned Marine. Then, they climbed out and collapsed.

Dover, Brittania Bishop Residence

A Silver SUV, pulled up to the Bishop home, and Kensei and Deeks stepped out. Then, Wilma Bishop pulled up to the house, on a

sidecar equipped Harley, and a Black Suburban followed her. Billy Bishop and his wife, ran out of the house, to see the

commotion. " Oi, American Big Mouth! Want a sample of ' The South Of England '!", shouted Wilma. " Still upset about, the

crazy cat lady crack?", asked Deeks. " I'll crack ....!" " Wilma, calm yourself.", said Lynette. Billy, ignored the NCIS Agents, and

went to Lynette. " Lynette what is the meaning of this?", he asked. " Remember, my paid extra training at NCIS Norfolk?",

asked Lynette. " Yes.", replied Billy. " Well, I used the extra money to buy you this Suburban. Since you complained about how,

you couldn't get the whole family in The Bentley.", said Lynette. " Or, she could had built, ' Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.' ",

joked Deeks. " Still with the ' inappropriate ' cracks?", asked Wilma. Kensei walked over to Billy and Lynette, and said, " Sorry,

for coming unexpected. We need Lynette for a case." " I'll pack my things.", said Lynette. " I'll come..." " You are not going with

her. You will be in the way.", replied Billy to his eldest daughter.

Los Angeles, NCIS Office, OPs

" Thomas Mills and Jake Glassner are Sargents in the Liberion Marine Corps. While taking a shipment of Gold to Marine Station

' Cloyster ', they were ambushed and gassed. The truck was then stolen.", said Eric. " Mister Callen and Hannah will check the crime

scene, with Miss Bishop. Mr. Deeks and Miss Bligh, question the Marines.", said Heddy.

Crime Scene

" By the size and blast radius, I say, C4 was involved.", said Sam. " Plenty of thick brush. A good hiding spot.", replied Callen.

Lynette climbed from a bush, and said, " Found this box of, sleep gas. I think it was from the Marine Station."

" Meaning, someone there is our thief.", said Sam.

NCIS Office

" The Sleep Gas was intended for non - lethal capture and arrest. The effect was to render a target, unconscious for a couple of

hours.", said Nell. " Those two Marine Sargents can testify.", said Deeks. " The road was booby trapped, by remote C4 detonation.",

said Callen. " This was done precise and silent. No ordinary bad guy, could pull it off.", said Sam.

" If there was a group who is at this base, who stole the Gold, this could be a serious security breech.", said Heddy.

In the work area, Deeks said, " Why would a Marine steal Gold, from our own allies? Not right. " " I agree. This was cowardly.", replied

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