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So... I randomly got inspiration for this one, so I figured why not make a bonus chapter of three for this? I love the pairing so I might as well write for it! Ennnjoyy!

---------------Ukai's POV-----------------

I am a doctor. But not a normal Doctor, I'm a hunter doctor.

Let's say... someone got but my a vampire. You just can't put a band-aid on it and say "Okay! Your gonna be fine now!"

It isn't that simple.

There's a hell of a lot of injections, blood stuff, and other random Conley mixture things.

And if you make the tiniest mistake you could kill just about everyone in the entire city, and maybe even destroy a few buildings.

Risky shit it is.

But I still love this job. I'm an expert, so I like being able to go to sleep, not being able to count the amount of people's lives I've saved.

The entire research and medical section must be Angels, right?

Their entire jobs are about learning about how to save people and actual log saving people, using that research.

Well, that would be what I used to think.

But that all changed a bit ago.

I used to be a happy worker there, not knowing about anything bad going down, just thinking that vampires were the bad guys, just killing people.

Now, one of those vampires is sleeping on my sofa, after experiencing hell at those same headquarters that I thought were the purest places you could get.

How did this happen? How about I tell the story.


It was a normal day. I was saving people's lives, helping with plans to kill vampires, and discussing options and shit.

Kind of uneventful.

At first.

(I wouldn't trust me right now if I were you I run a tumblr blog and meme INSTA. for a hobby. Never trust meme bloggers)

I was transferred to a different building for the day. Apparently everyone in that sector were screw ups and couldn't do their jobs right.

That must be just how much better I am then them.

So, I was checking the place out, and k got lost. Feck.

I was just going up and down every staircase I saw, and then all of a sudden I must have been in the basement when I heard screaming.

As a doctor, I had thought that maybe, a vampire had maybe barged in, or maybe someone was about to die. Quite usual for me, but I still went to check it out.

It was not any of the above.

It was horrendous. 

It was an experiment room. Like, those really cliche rooms that someone is being experimented on in those movies. Test tubes, whatever the fuck those really large cage-ish test tube-ish things were, scientists and screaming.

A young man was in the cage-ish test tube-ish thing. He had black hair, dark eyes and had a smaller body. From what I could see he couldn't be any older than, lets say 17, 18.

He looked pretty calm. Until the scientist guys started adjusting some thingies that I really have no idea what they were. He was screaming out of pain by the looks of it. How could they do this to a human?

Piercing Fangs! A LevYaku (side KuroKen) Vampire AU (ON HITAUS)Where stories live. Discover now