Chapter 9 #Homecoming(2)

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So now that the wedding is over with, and Owen and Anya are expecting their little bundle of joy, we are left with one question. Did Tristan say yes?

Tristan sat beside Zoe during lunch and sighed.
"What's with you? Thought you'd be happy that Miles proposed to you, I mean, you did say yes." Zoë said, sipping on your hi-c drink. "And where's Miles? I figured you two would come together and flaunt your engagement ring to everyone," Tristan stared at Zoë as if he wanted to punch her.
"I snuck out. After the wedding, he had too much to drink and we had sex. It was really great but like...the whole time after I was thinking about my whole life. Like...where I'm going to college, what am I going to be when I grow up. I don't know maybe I was wrong to say yes because..." Zoe rolled her eyes.
"Come on, Tris. Make up your mind. First you were worried that Miles liked Kurt and now that he's all in for you, you wanna back out?" Zoe told said coldly as she stood up.
"Why are you getting mad at me?" Tristan asked. Zoë sighed.
"Because when Miles showed up to Owen and Anya's wedding, I saw his face. He reminded me of you. All those times when you were chasing him and was always let down." She replied. "Um...I...I get that you're damaged and all, but Miles really is trying. So you better make your mind up and decide before you hurt him. And you know how Miles gets when he's sad and heart broken," Zoë left Tristan to think. Tristan loves Miles. Without a doubt, he really did. But he felt like he made a big mistake saying yes. Tristan wasn't ready to settle down. He still wanted to go out there and experience everything. He had to find a way to tell Miles that he didn't wanna be engaged yet. But how?

"Hey boo," Lola greeted Frankie. Frankie smiled.
"What's up?" She asked. Lola sighed.
"I miss Tiny so much..." she said, leaning her head on Frankie's shoulder.
"Why don't you talk to him? Homecoming weekend is coming up and maybe you two can get back together," just when Frankie mentioned getting back together, Jonah appeared. Lola sighed.
"Why don't you go talk to Jonah," she said. "Go make things right?" Frankie shook her head.
"I can't. It's not fair to him for me to keep leading him on when I have feelings for..." Frankie gestured her hand towards Winston.
"Oh my goodness Frankie. Who's been there for you the most?" Lola asked, twirling her hair.
"Jonah. Definitely him. But I still like Winston," Frankie told Lola. Lola sighed.
"Yeah but you know that saying don't leave the person you love for he person you like...wait, I forgot my point, anyways, I ship Jankie.. or Fronah. Oh oh!! I SHIP Hollingshawk!!!" Lola got excited and Frankie shook her head, laughing.
"Lola, this isn't some teen drama show or a Wattpad book, stop shipping things. I gotta get to class but uh...make sure you tell Tiny how you feel," Frankie walked towards her class, not looking where she was going, she bumped into Zig. Zig smiled.
"Hey," he said to her. Frankie smiled back.
"Um...hi? Sorry can't chat, I have English," Frankie tried to pass Zig. Zig stood in front of her.
"Uh, I know we have the same teacher. Mr. Pierra," he told her. "Can I walk with you?"
"I guess," Frankie said.
They walked together and people made weird faces. Frankie immediately pulled Zig to the side.
"People are gawking at us and making faces. I think they think we're dating," Frankie said. Zig slowly pushed her to the wall.
"That wouldn't be such a bad idea, now would it?" Zig leaned closer to Frankie and kissed her. Frankie made no effort to fight him so she kissed him back. They were broken up by a very angry brother Hollingsworth.
"Frankie?!" Miles exclaimed loudly. Frankie's eyes widened.
"Miles, I can explain..." he looked at his little sister then at Zig.
"Go to class right now Frankie," he ordered, staring at Zig. Frankie kissed Zig on the cheek and smiled.
"See ya in class,"
Zig walked towards Miles.
"Dude, you can't tell your sister who to..."Miles didn't let him finished.
"Zigmund, I get that your upset about Maya but," Zig immediately pushed him hard towards the lockers and locked his hands around his neck.
"DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT MAYA! You don't get to talk about her!! You're the reason she's not with me right now money bags!" Zig let Miles dropped to the ground, where he grasped for air.
"And don't worry, tell your sister that that's the last time," Zig walked away angry.

"Hey Mr. president, I heard you're engaged," Kurt said to Miles. Miles put the rest of his things in his locker and closed it. Miles was sweaty.
"Something you need Kurt? Is everything set for tomorrow?" Miles asked walking. Kurt followed.
"I called the tent rental company and they'll drop tents around 3pm. I checked with all the committees and everything is pretty much set. However, a little birdie told me that northern tech will be stopping by," Miles stopped and shook his head.
"Okay can you make an announcement that all degrassi students bring their IDs tomorrow," Miles told Kurt, taking his shirt off. Kurt nodded.
"Kurt?" A voice called out. Kurt closed his eyes and hoped that the voice would go away and that it's all in his head. He slowly turned around to see Blaine in his Warblers uniform. Kurt sighed heavily, stepping closer to Miles.
"What are you doing here?" Blaine shook his head.
"I'm here to take you back but I can see that you're busy," he said, eyeing Miles.
"We can talk later. Come on, Miles." Kurt pulled Miles hand and walked off. Blaine stared at them from the distance.

"And then he pulled my hand and we walked off. You shoulda seen it. It felt so freaking awkward like...they both looked like they were ready to have sex," Miles told Tristan, laughing. Tristan chuckled. They were at Miles house, sitting on the couch.
"Well I'm really jealous that they both got to see you shirtless. Why was your shirt off again? Were you going to send me some sexy pictures?" Tristan scooted closer to Miles and kissed his neck. Miles moaned softly.
" fiancé, you're so hot," Miles said, closing his eyes. Tristan stared at him and backed away. Miles noticed that he retreated.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" Miles asked. Tristan scratched his head.
"Sorry, not use to the title, fiancé. Listen, are you sure about this? Like don't you wanna go out into the world and experience different things?" Tristan asked. Miles thought for a while and shook his head.
"Well I can do those things with you. As long as I'm with you," Tristan sighed. Tristan wanted to tell Miles that he wasn't ready to be engaged to him yet when Mrs. Hollingsworth walked in.
"Miles, I need to talk to you, privately." She said. Miles stared at her.
"Whatever you wanna say to me, you can say in front of my fiancé," he told her. Mrs. Hollingsworth was serious. Tristan got up and went up upstairs.
"What was that about mom?" Miles asked. Frankie and Hunter walked in and sat beside their older brother.
"Yes mom?" Frankie asked. Hunter sighed, removing his head phones.
"Yeah, I ended my video call with my gaming team for this so it better be good,"
Mrs. Hollingsworth stood in front of her three children and sighed heavily.
"It's your father. He posted bail and he's on parole right now but he's out of jail." She told them. Miles eyes widened followed by a gasp from Frankie.
"Wait so is he coming here?" She asked.
Their mother closed her eyes as tears came down.
"Um. He already came this morning while you kids were at school. Um, he told me that he wanted nothing to do with us, with you kids. He's taking away the house and he told me that we have to move out by next week," she cried.
Miles stood up and shook his head.
"Uh...where are we gonna live then?" He asked, choking up.
"I already found an apartment just a few blocks from the school. It's enough for the three of us but..." Miles sighed.
"Not Tristan, so what do I just tell him or?"
"No! do you know how embarrassing this is? What if he tells people at school! I'll be so ashamed I won't go!" Frankie shot. Miles sighed. Hunter had no words to describe the hate he felt for his father.
"I want to change my last name. I want to make sure no one knows that I'm related to him," he said before he went back upstairs. Miles shook his head and went upstairs to find Tristan fast asleep. Miles continued to tear up and kissed his boyfriends cheek. Miles didn't know what to do. He felt so hopeless. But he had to be strong for his family. He knew he could take care of them. He felt...happy. Knowing that his father was going to be out of their lives for good made him look on the bright side of things.


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