love at fist gift?

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Tyler's pov
 Me and Josh were only 5 at the time ,but I really liked him ,but mommy said that I can't like boys I told Josh and he said he wasn't a boy he was a alien from a hole other world so that means I can like him all I want. Josh's birthday was coming up and I wanted to get him the best gift ever. Me and my mommy walked to Josh's house he only live a little far away from us only a two minute walk. I got him a gift he will love because I made it myself. We got to Josh's house and his dad opened the door and said we can come in we walked in and I put Josh gift in my pocket to keep it safe. It was time for the cake Josh was turning 6 this year and we all sang him happy birthday. We all ate the yummy cake then it was time for gifts I didn't give him mine yet I want mine to be last only me and him will know about it. It was time to leave everyone was leaving but my mommy was talking to Josh's mom so I walked over to Josh who was looking at his new toys.

      "Do you want to go to my backyard and play" Josh asked me " sure let me ask my mommy to see if she will let me play". I ran over to my mommy and asked her if I could go outside and play with josh. " mommy can I go play with josh". She looked at josh's mom and she nodded and mommy said " yes you can" she said. I can back over to josh he was picking out what toy truck he wanted. He had a red,green,blue,purple and pink truck ,but his favorite color was red so he picked up the red truck and I just picked up a batman toy and ran outside with him. We played for a while then I remembered about Josh's gift. "Hey josh do you  "Josh I have your gift"  I said pulling out something he said "what is it" Josh asked excited to see what I got him "shut your eyes you dipcrap" I said laughing "okay" he said shutting his eyes I grabbed his hand and put on a bracelet "you can open your eyes now Josh" I said. He opens his eyes and looked at his wrist he smiled "I love it Ty thank you I will wear it till I die" Josh said happier than when he got a new bike from his dad. He hugged me this is the first time Josh has ever hugged me and I hugged him back and I felt little bugs in my tummy it felt weird but I liked it. It was time to leave and Josh was still wearing his bracelet I made him "bye Josh" I yelled "bye Ty" Josh yelled back. I hope he really does wear that bracelet for the rest of his life. I really hope joshy wears his bracelet till he dies.

Well this is going to make up for that horrible other story I'm doing trust me by the end of this you will probably be crying my hope is to make another story called ghost or taxi cab idk
To kayleigh your a dummy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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