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I sat there watching the view, as I leaned against a boulder. The sun was setting from the other end creating a beautiful orange faded effect. The salty aroma dispersed the whole beach as the cold wind passed by. It was the perfect way of ending a tiring day from work.

Despite living alone, my Mother usually visits me every Saturday to cook dinner for me. She would accompany me and my pet Dog even though she's not quite a big fan of it.

Tonight, I came home with a warm greeting from my pet Golden Retriever and a hug from Mom. "spaghetti will be ready in twenty minutes!" She said as she kissed me on the cheeks. "Okay, I'll just go change" I said as I loosened up my tie. I made my way into my bedroom as my Dog followed me jumping to get my attention.

I wore my pajamas that was given to me for my twentieth birthday. And I finally made my way out into the dining area to eat with Mom. I sat down with her after saying the Grace before meal. I started digging into my spaghetti. It felt like I haven't eaten in ages. I looked up at Mom realizing she was staring at me as i ponder my food. "whaff ish it? " I said with a full mouth. "Jack, sweet heart. I think you need to get a Girlfriend. " she said as she slowly wiped her mouth with a table cloth. I almost choked on my food but I washed it down with water. "What do you mean Mom? It's fun being alone. I guess... " I said as I took another sip of water. Mom gave me a terrible glare. "I'm tired of coming over and cooking for you! It's about time you get a Girlfriend or even better, a wife. " She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Time went by quick and it was time for her to leave. We exchanged 'Goodbyes' and i sent her off to the nearest bus stop. "unbelievable, she's bored of me already" i thought to myself. I went back to my flat and got ready for bed. My Dog, Wendy, made herself comfortable next to me, almost taking up half of the space. I lie down staring at the ceiling for a couple of hours, changing positions. I can't sleep. After what Mom told me, i realized being alone is kind of getting lonely. Then an idea sparked up in my head. I rapidly ran to the fridge, looking for a beer bottle. I chugged it all down, just like back in College days. I took a paper and wrote down a saying my Father would always tell me: "Prepare for the trials you will face. You will hear your heart as it start the race! Save a place for me on your heart, so whatever you figure, we will never be apart."

I immediately start up my car and drove all the way to the beach, and without hesitation, I tossed the bottle with hope of someone finding it. After watching the waves pull away the bottle. I fell down on the desert like sand, laughing to myself. This was a crazy idea. But I might actually end up finding someone.

First Love in a BottleWhere stories live. Discover now