September & Missing Hatter

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I went to my computer the minute I woke up. I searched up September in Youtube and I ran over to Jeff's room. "Look, Jeff!! There's a music video about you. It's called September, and it is the best song I've ever heard. He watched the entire music video without a word. "Hatter?" "YEEEASSSS?!" I squealed. "This is my worst childhood memory..." he stutters, tears falling. My jaw drops open. I've never seen a serial (cereal LOL) killer cry. "Oh, Jeff, I'm soooo sorry..." "I...thought you got over it and didn't cry..." Then I hugged him tightly. "I.....never wanted to kill Liu...." he said hoarsely. Then he kissed me. "Mmph!!" I said, and closed my eyes, feeling the tingling sensation. Then the door banged open, and in came Sonic.exe. "Sonikku!!" I smiled, and ran into his arms. I cuddled into his arms, smelling peppermint. Jeff watched in awe. "You guys were THAT friendly?" He said, pokerfacing. 

"Well, it's a long story Jeff..." Sonikku.exe blushed. I giggled and said, "Don't you dare nose bleed again!!" "Ok, ok.." Jeff growled. "Sorry Jeff, for interupting your time with Sabrina." .exe murmured. I went over to Jeff and cupped his face. "It's not like I hate you or anything, ok?" He scowled. "Fine." and exited his room. Sonikku and I went downstairs together, but BEN, BRVR, Masky, and Jane were all glaring at me. I glared back. "Why the hell are you guys glaring at me like that?" "YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW?!?!" they screamed at me. I was wearing my mad hatter hat with a golden clock attached to it. I was wearing a plain hoodie, though. My hatchet and katana with my leftover daggers. "OHHH!!!" I said excitedly. "I'm SOOOO sorry for hurting you Masky..." I said sympathetically. "HMPH!!" he growled. He deserves it for his stupidity for underestimating me. Jane the killer was fuming. "Why did you even join in the first place? You don't belong here." she yelled. I was shocked. Jeff, BEN, and BRVR were shocked too. All they wanted me to do was apologize to Masky. "You think you're so popular, taking away my JEFFY??!!" Then she slapped me across the face. It stung. I stood there, still and trembling. Then Slender teleported. "CHILD WHAT IS THE FUC*ING MEANING OF THIS?!?!" All the creepypastas became silent. It was the first time in creepypasta history that Slender cursed.

My tears fell, plink...plink...plink...on the carpet of the mansion. I was still trembling, furious. Then the insanity took over. "AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!" I laughed maniacally. "I think I'll just take a LITTLE time by myself to CALM DOWN, RIGHT?!?!"I was practically screaming at my lungs. "Child..." even Slender sounded scared. "IT'S OK FOR ME TO GET SLAPPED, RIGHT?!?!" I shouted, still crying. Hoodie tried approaching me. I stared at him coldly with one of my red eyes on fire. He froze and shouted, "Slender!! I can't move." Jeff was trembling, and so were the others. "STAY.WHERE.YOU.ARE.OK?" I said haughtily. There was power that I couldn't control. I was letting out an aura of blue flames, and I was still trembling. My tears stopped as they turned to anger. "JUST STAY HERE, OK?" "I JUST WANT TO LET MY FUC*NG UNCONTROLLABLE ANGER OUT OF JANE..." "BUT I PROOMMISSEE I WON'T KILL HER!!" Then I laughed maniacally again. The other creepypastas stared in silence. I put 2 daggers between my fangs, and placed my hat back on my head correctly. I took out my hatchet and katana, while my eye is still on blazing blue fire. I kick the door open and curtsy. "Merci beaucoup, everyone.  Stay and ENJOY THE SHOW ON TV!!" Then I disappear through the night, leaving the creepypastas in panic.

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