45.forgive me

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forgive me,

when I made mistake,
when I hurt you,
when my words kill you,
when I said things that should not be,

forgive me,

when you always there-
but I did not appriciate your appearance because I thought I already had perfect life.

forgive me,
because I done everything wrong,
because I thought I did not need you .

forgive me,
cause only you can forgive my mistakes on you,
because you the only one can make my heart calm after all the mistakes that I have done on you.

forgive me.

khas buat pembaca Am,Am minta maaf kalau ada salah silap atau ada perkataan yg Am tak sptutnya tulis.Am minta maaf kalau penulisan Am membuat ada yg terkecil hati.forgive me.

Ingat kalau buat salah dgn Allah,boleh minta ampun.Buat salah dkt manusia,kalau minta ampun kat Allah skli pun,still kena minta maaf kat org yang kita buat salah.


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