im just done

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"This is too much too handle and it's not what I expected."

"I know! And I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry, I should've done something."


"Ellie please say something, please. I know it's messed up, but just bare with me I cannot do this alone, please!"

"Excuse me? No, I'm not going to do anything 'with' you. Right now I'm too confused to think but I sure as hell know I'm fucking mad. You have some nerve, regardless if one of my closest friends has something to do with the situation, you still left without an explanation and avoided me at all fucking costs. Then just as I'm dealing with it, you literally pop out of thin fucking air and tell me this?! It's worse than being left with that shitty cliffhanger!"

"Just let me explain!"

"You've explained, you've done enough. You simply cannot turn up, check in and act as if we haven't seen one another in a month and a bit! It's too much, even if it's a lie, or the truth. It disgusts me that you thought like that, because over the years of the relationship you of all people knew me best. You knew my reactions and you've handled everyone one of them! You made me look weak and pathetic thinking it was because of something else. You let somebody so random, who meant so little to the both of us hinder our whole relationship dude! The whole fucking thing sounds wrong and out of place."

"I-i we-"

"I'm not done. Can't you see? Are you blind? I'm physically drained from all of this, from this emotional roller coaster, from you, from Mia I'm just over it! I can't wrap my head around this. The fucking most stupidest, dumbest, outrageous reason for a break up, for fuck sakes! I'm done with this shit I knew it. Fuck this"

"Don't leav- . You're gone."

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