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Can you leave me,

walk out from the steel door,

and take your friend,

Heartache with you...

Leave, go away with the wind,

do not even bid me good bye,

or shed a sympathetic tear,

The moon will comfort me,

and silence my wails...

Do not feel guilty,

or embrace  my frail body,

I do not need your touch,

The touch of poison...

Will you not hear me,

Is my voice unclear?

Do not you see my state,

Am I invisible?

My heart is still beating,

It did not turn to marble,

Nor a hard rough stone,

It is beating, beating....

and from one of it's doors,

crimson rubies leak....

The roses, red and agile,

withered, turned to ash,

Memories so sweet,

Turned to nightmares,

Nightmares that will keep me,

Keep me awake,

and bind me,

Bind me with rusted chains,

To my past...

To you, love...

Simply leave,

I will survive,

Even though I am,

A bird with clipped wings

A burden...

I croon to you,

Plea to you,

to let go,

To simply walk away,

To leave....

A/N: tell me what you think... and if you liked the style... and tell me what you fealt... ( sorry if I am asking for a lot of things....)

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