Snow White

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Snow White was her favourite Disney Princess.

Growing up she always wanted to be like Snow White – ivory skin, ebony hair, perfect tiny red lips – and she just had to be born with tanned skin, brownish hair, and the biggest mouth there is.

She used to stand in front of an old family mirror pretending to be Snow White, imagining herself to be the Disney Princess she always adored.

But no, sh wasn't complaining though; she never complains. Yes, she would still yearn to be Snow White every now and then but she has learned to accept how she looks like and play with it to her advantage. She has mastered the art of distorting her face to the amusement of everyone around her.

She never cared that much about her appearance, until he came.  The moment she first laid her eyes on him she was captivated.

"Snow White..." she mindlessly uttered.


Ivory skin, ebony hair, and those perfect tiny red lips – he is everything she wished she was; he is Snow White.

"Ah nothing. I just said Snow White. She's my favourite Disney Princess because she's very pretty." She blushed with this beautiful shade of red. She tried to look elsewhere but for some reason, she just can't take her gaze away from him.

He, on the other hand can't seem to take look away from her as well. She is not the typical beauty but there is something about her the piques his curiosity.

He smiled showing off his dimpled cheek, "That's a very peculiar conversation starter." Oh yes, he is interested. "But you're prettier. No, actually, you are beautiful.

Hook, line, sinker. Flowery words plus his charming smile and he knew that he got her.

And thus their friendship begun.

In a short span of time, their relationship or whatever it was started to blossom from there. They were practically inseparable, and always together. They could've already been a couple if not for their adamant denial every time the subject is broached.

'He/She is special' has been their consistent answer every time asked about their status. And they're both ok with that, as long they know in between themselves what they are to each other.

Or so they thought...

He became her muse, her inspiration, he is the manifestation of her childhood dream.

While on the other hand...

She became his distraction, his temporary hobby, she is his past time while away from home.

Until she is not...

"I have to leave, Maine."

"What? Why? But what about us?"

"There was never an us. We could remain friends, but I have to leave."

"So all this time, this is just temporary for you."

"My contract is only for a year, Maine; I am never meant to stay here forever."

"Oh, but you are."

The certainty in her tone and in her facial expression confused him, 

"What do you mea-?" 

He wasn't able to finish his question when he begun to feel this unexplained dizziness; his vision began to blur, and everything went black.

"I mean exactly what I said you will stay here forever, dear Snow White" 

Ivory skin, ebony hair, and those perfect tiny red lips.

She stood in front of the old mirror, with his blood smeared all over her beautiful face, she started chanting her favourite line –

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?"



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