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Oh hiya, minna. ^_^ Wrote this as sort of a joke and to tick peoplez off. I didn't really bother to polish my writing on this one so if my grammar or spelling sucks, sorry. This isn't meant to make any sense or be meaningful and shit like my other stuff so... Yeah. I did this for the lolz... sad life...

Ehrm, now presenting, My Crackhead Writing.


Matteus Ranmyaku knocked gently on Mechi's bedroom door whispering, "Come on, let me in. I have what you need."

Mechi Daisuke slowly unlatched the lock and glared at him. "Took you long enough." She left the door hanging open after snatching the plastic cups and plates Matt was holding. "How long does it take to rob a party store?"

"Quite a while when you actually have to pay someone." Matt mumbled. "You owe me $6.50."

Mechi huffed, flipping her red hair out of her face. "But I'm your dear adoptive sister and it's for your nephew's birthday." She pouted.

Matt rubbed his green eye and looked at her through his dark sooty hair with his one red eye. "Well... I guess I love you enough to forgive $6.50..." A small gleam twinkled in his red eye causing Mechi to burst out laughing.

"I'll pay you back when i get the money, Matt." She chuckled.

"Or you could pay me now..." Matt said cryptically before his hair flashed from black to bright white and back again.

Making a 'wth' face, Mechi backed up from him. "Uh... Matt?"

Matteus placed a hand on Mechi's cheek. Gently he pushed Mechi up against a wall, licking her neck and pressed against her. "Mechi..." he whispered.

"Matt!" Mechi yelled, before pulling her fist back to punch him only to have her hand turn into a pile of fruit loops. "What the-?"


Faster than lightning Mechi Daisuke bolted out of bed, gasping for air. "A dream?! What the frack was that??!!!" The doorbell rang and when Mechi opened the door was Matteus standing there holding to bags of party supplies. "No!" She shouted slamming the door. "Stay the frack out of my house!!"


So Mechi is a roleplaying page on facebook and she does actually say things like 'frack'. I did not make that up. She weird.

Matteus is also a roleplaying page but he doesn't act like the above senario at all. Although he's weird too.

We're all mad here. :D Once again, I wrote this kinda on a high trying to keep myself laughing (cause God knows I cry enough) so don't take this personally and don't expect any more. Oh, yeah. I'm this roleplaying biatch~

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