Okay Okay.

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When I first joined watt pad I was super scared and nervous about meeting new people. I was super shy. Then I found this account (AllDemPeople ) filled with amazing people. It's also the account where I met my long term best friend dea. Dea was always there for me, and I mean always. She was there when I got my first heart break. My first marriage, My first kid. And now that all of that is gone.. I'm not sure what I would do without dea. She's an amazing person and an even more amazing mother. She's always there to kiss my scars, always there to talk when I needed to. Dea is my best friend and my sister. I love her to death if she is hurt or touched in a way she doesn't want to be touched then I promise you won't like me very much. But other than that. Well all be good. I love you dea ❤️

Kev •married• Where stories live. Discover now