Chapter 1

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A/N: The second part of the story is better than the first in my opinion, so you should read until the end! It's a lot less formally written while still maintaining the school-quality writing (not 'sup frens I luv shippin ppls' and more like 'Supernatural is awesome!') I got this idea for the story off of Facebook, so I had a set storyline to follow, and that may make it seem a bit forced, and I'm sorry if it does. Anyway, enjoy this little piece of randomness! Also, A-plus for you if you know where the names come from.

Lucifer can't believe it. How dare He? How dare God create these disgusting creatures, and then expect His angels to put the before themselves? These apes are nothing compared to the angels. Why would God think they're better? The angels come first. They are the best of all of God's creations. He'll make sure God know this. He'll tell his father himself. These humans will be gone soon; Lucifer is sure of it. If anyone can convince Him, it would be His favorite son, and all the angels know that is Lucifer.
"Father!" he calls out to the creator.
"Yes, Lucifer?" he replies, sounding exhausted. Making an entire world in seven days can't be easy.
"What is the point of this?" he asks. "Why did you create these... Things?"
"They are not 'things,' they are humans," He reminds His son. "They're beings just like you. They may not have the power of an angel, but they have their own minds, and their own lives. You'll see soon enough, Lucifer. You'll see just how great they can be."
"And what of us?" he asks. "What of me, and my brothers?"
"Nothing will change for us, Lucifer. Now we have a larger family. Can't you see? This isn't a bad thing. Not at all! This is a cause for celebration!"
"How is this good?" he asks. "You're leaving us for these overgrown monkeys. They've already messed up, and you only made them a day ago. After the apple incident, I would have thought you'd seen the error of your ways."
"I invented free will for a reason," He reminds Lucifer. "They have used theirs as you can use yours. They have acted against my wishes, and have been punished for it, but it's better they act against my wishes by themselves than as I hoped under my command."
"And you praise them for this?" Lucifer says incredulously. "You praise them for doing what you told them not to?"
"No, son. I praise them for using their own minds."
Lucifer nods thoughtfully, a plan formulating in his head. "Okay, Father," he says. "Then I shall use my own mind as well."
He can see the concern on his father's face as He says, "Lucifer, whatever you're planning to do, I strongly advise you against it."
"As you strongly advised against your monkeys eating the forbidden fruit?" Lucifer reminds him. "I'm just doing as your apes would. You seem to have no problem with that."
Lucifer turns and leaves, knowing what he must do to keep his family together. God calls after him, but Lucifer doesn't answer. He keeps walking, trying to get out of his father's sight before he can be stopped, only pausing when his brother Gabriel walks in his path.
"Brother, what are you doing?" Gabriel, a fellow archangel and one of Lucifer's closest brothers, asks.
"What I must," Lucifer replies.
"Don't do anything you'll regret," Gabriel warns him.
"Trust me when I say, this is one thing none of us will regret."
Lucifer ignores his brother's concerned expression as he does the one thing he never thought he would want to do.
He falls.

Falling from Heaven is the scariest thing he has ever done. It feels as though he is strapped to a shooting star as it makes its way into the atmosphere. When he finally lands, he is alone in a field, feeling lost and broken. He sits up, something he has never done before. Everything is different from the perspective of a human. In his new body, everything seems so big. Angels are much larger than humans, and though he has looked down on this world many times since its creation, it has been from the view of someone much taller than them. Almost as if he were in one of those things, he thinks. Those green things on a stick. A tree, he recalls. His father called them trees. Looking down is more green stuff, and he recognizes it as grass. His father always had liked the color green. Much less than red, Lucifer remembers. Beware of anything red, he thinks to himself. It's probably not a good thing.
Lucifer looks around. His plan had been to find the humans and kill them, but where are they? How does he find them? He should have thought this through. Maybe he should just zap around looking for them. He tries, but it doesn't work. Why didn't it work? He has always been able to zap around places. Why should this be any different? It only takes a moment to realize the problem. He lost his grace. How can he find his grace if he doesn't have his grace to find it with?
Lucifer attempts to stand up, but he can't. This body is so weak. How do the humans parade around in these like they're a gift? They're horrible. Absolutely horrible. Angels are much luckier. Maybe God doesn't like the humans as much as he claims he does.
What is he supposed to do now? He can't go back to Heaven now; his grace was his only mode of transportation. Without that, he's powerless. Normal. Human.
He'll fix this. He always fixes his messes. All he has to do is get his grace back. That can't be too hard. He just needs to look for something strange that's happened. Something supernatural. He'll find his grace there, and maybe humanity as well. He'll put an end to this, once and for all.
He stands up slowly, stretching his new muscles. It feels weird to him. He takes a step forward, trying not to fall. He'll never get used to this human thing. Hopefully, he won't have to. He takes a few more steps cautiously, almost falling. He keeps trying, and pretty soon, he is walking across the field. Sure, it's slow, but it's steady, and he the fact he can walk at all is pretty amazing to him.
Walking is only a small part of the problem. Now he has to find where he's going. What is he looking for, anyway? Which is more important, humanity or his grace? It only takes a moment for him to decide he needs his grace. Now, where does he find it?
He starts walking at random, hoping he'll feel the power coming off of the landing soon. It couldn't have ended up too far away. He'll find it soon. Obviously it's not in the field, or he would have noticed it already. The only other place he can go is the forest, so that's where he does.
"Hello?" he hears a small voice say. He looks around for the source of the sound. "Hello? Who's there?"
The leaves of a nearby bush rustle, and though Lucifer tries to get out of the way and avoid being seen, but it's too late. The leaves stop when someone pops out of them, looking around. When they see him, they take a step back, eyes wide at the sight of his injuries from the fall. Lucifer tries to read their expression, but he isn't used to humans. He doesn't know how their emotions work.
"Hello?" they say. They? No, she. This is a girl. That's what God said.
"Hi..." Lucifer says hesitantly. What happened to his voice? It sounds strange. Not a loud, clear ringing, but low-pitched voice that he just can't describe. It's a human voice; not as desirable as the voice of an angel.
"Who are you?" the girl asks.
What should he say? Does he give his real name? What will she say? Will she recognize him? Should be want her to?
"I am Lucifer," he says finally, leaving any other information out, though he's sure she wanted more than a name.
"My name is Rosaline," she replies. "Where do you come from? I have not seen you here before."
"Where I come from does not matter," he tells her.
"Did you come alone?"
The girl will not let him be. Why is this? Why should she care for the person she just met, and may never see again? What is he to her?
"Yes," he answers.
"Where is your family, then?" she asks. As Lucifer debates how to answer this, she makes her own assumption. "Were they killed?"
"Yes." He's thankful for the answer. How would one describe where his family is to those that may not know of his home at all? To prevent more questions, he quickly adds, "And what of yours?"
"They are not far," she says. "There is no reason for you to be here alone. Come, I will bring you to them."
Lucifer follows her thankfully. His goal is to kill the humans, and now he has a direct path to them. This girl might be of use to him. She will lead him to humanity, and he will wipe them out.
Rosaline brings him through the forest and into a large field with little shelters in them. Houses, his father had called them. It's something the humans made so they can have a home as well. Rosaline brings him to one of the small houses and opens the door, showing him the inside of a human home. It's very plain, Lucifer observes. Another woman comes to the door, followed by a man. They're older than Rosaline. Parents, perhaps?
"Mother, Father, I met a man in the woods," Rosaline greets them, confirming Lucifer's suspicion. "He says he is traveling alone, so I invited him here. I hope that is okay."
"Of course," her father says, turning to Lucifer. "Hello. My name is Paris, and this is my wife, Cecile."
"I am Lucifer," he tells them.
"What brings you out here all alone?" Paris asks.
"I was hunting," he tells them. Technically, it's true. He is hunting humanity.
"My sons are hunting now," Paris says. "I hope they don't suffer the same fate you did, and that they return together. We shall see tomorrow afternoon, I suppose."
"Why so long?" Lucifer asks.
"We have near run out of game in these woods. They have to travel farther to find any food, and even then, we never know if they will. It's nearing time to move again; soon there won't be any animals for miles away." In a lighter tone, he says, "But enough of that. Rosaline will clean you up in no time, and we can talk over a delicious meal."

So, the first chapter is done! I hope you don't hate it too much. It will get better; I guarantee it. Not that people really seem to care because apparently most people stop after here, judging by the reads count. Oh well, good thing I write for me and not for reads! If you haven't guessed, the names Rosaline and Paris come from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet because I'm unoriginal and don't know any other relevant names.

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