The most frightening day of my life.

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My name is May.This is a story about the most horrific day of my life. It started out like this, I went home from school, it had been a while long, tiring day I had three test, and soccer practice. The time was about 4:30 at night and my mom gets of of work at 3:00. "Mom should be home " I told myself I searched around the house no one was there. I was confused I don't remember mom telling me she would be late coming home tonight. I waited for about a hour and then I decided to take a nap because I was exhausted from soccer practice coach, had made us run laps around the school. I went to my room, it was 5:30 at the time. I took a nap, and completely lost track of time I had been sleeping for two hours. I heard a knock at the door, I opened the door no one there I heard another knock, opened the door again no one there. I turned and my mom was standing behind me I screamed and jumped back "Mom you scared the crap out of me!". She said nothing she just walked into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table she mumbled something but I did not hear her "I'm going upstairs to finish my homework". I went upstairs and pulled out my math homework we had been working on improper fractions. I heard a knock at the door I assumed mom would get the door because she was downstairs. But she did not the knocking kept growing louder and louder "Mom can you get the door!" I practically screamed it I was getting frustrated with her. The knocking grew so loud that it felt as if it shook the house. I ran downstairs "Mom why didn't you get the door!" When I went downstairs the door was wide open I went outside to see if mom was out there it was getting dark. The door suddenly slammed shut I ran to the door and tried to open it boy it was locked the lights started flickering violently and the ALL the shades shut. Then there was silence moms car was not in the drive way anymore then who was in the house?. I had a Bobby pin in my hair and I had learned how to pick a lock on a cop show once i picked the lock I pushed the door open ready for anything a rock in one hand and a branch in the other. Mom was now sitting on the couch but she was not there before I searched everywhere in the house for her I was confused her car was not in the drive way did she walk that's a long way to walk her works ten blocks away ? Did someone drive her?. I went into the living room I tapped on my moms back she did not turn around I tapped her on the back again I finally turned her whole body toward me in frustration " Why are you acting ..." Before I could finish my sentence I screamed as loud as I could HER FACE HAD NO EYES AND NO MOUTH!! I ran out of that house as fast as I could and I will never ever go back to that house in a lifetime.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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