part four

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"marcus, please." ryan sighed.

"no!" the toddler huffed defiantly, determined to use the wrong end of his plastic spoon.

"life will be so much easier if you just turn it around." marcus ignored him as he struggled to get a piece of macaroni on the slim spoon handle.

brendon just stared at the two, slowly eating the pasta as annoyance grew on the other's faces.


"i... can do it!"

"just use the other end."


"do you not want mac and cheese? because i can just throw it out-" the father was cut off as marcus shrieked in horror, deciding to ditch his spoon entirely and grab the noodles by the handful.

"MINE MAC AND CHEESE" brendon snorted at that, watching the child cradle the macaroni in his arms. ryan just sighed once more and turned to brendon.

"anyway, are you going to school?"

"i was, but i left because it wasn't a good fit. figured shouldn't waste money on something i don't like." the younger replied as he eyed marcus (who was now eating macaroni by the fistfuls), "so, not to be rude, but where's the mom?"

silence passed for a few moments before ryan spoke up.

"good question. couldn't tell ya." he answered with a shrug before he rubbed at marcus' cheese coated mouth with a napkin. the toddler squirmed in offense, letting out cries of protest.

nodding awkwardly, brendon hung his head in social shame and began shoveling pasta into his mouth again. marcus gave his father an offended glare, mumbling gibberish as ryan smiled at him. 

another silence fell over the table before the older spoke up, "so, what do you want to do with your life?"

"i... don't know. right now i'm crashing on a friends sofa. couldn't pay my rent. i lost my job at the grocery store so i'm just drifting until i find something i like." that wasn't the answer ryan had wanted to hear. he was leaving his kid with a guy with zero motivation towards anything. sure, ryan wasn't following his dreams, but his was at least driven to work hard for his son.

but brendon, brendon just seemed to need babysitting marcus as a filler between short-term jobs.

"have you babysit kids before marcus?"

"ahh, no. kids were never really my thing-" fantastic. "marcus is pretty cute though."

"i handsome." marcus said in agreement, licking the cheese between his fingers.

ryan chuckled and ruffled the boys curly hair fondly, a smile on his lips, "thats right."

the atmosphere of the shabby apartment felt so inviting to brendon compared to his own, which was littered in plastic booze bottles, dirty boxers, and unfinished homework from when he was in college. his place wasn't persay unpleasant, it just didn't seem welcoming. it looked worn out, even dead.

but ryan's apartment was filled with toys and life and this chaotic mess that stemmed from an energetic toddler and a single father not entirely sure of what he was doing. it left a warm feeling in the pit of the mans gut, one that made him want to come back.

"brennin." he was snapped out of his thoughts (or lack of) to see the toddlers big eyes staring at him expectantly.


"eat your mac and cheese." the boy ordered, pointing at the half full plate.

"marcus don't be bossy-" "EATS YOUR MAC AND CHEESE"

brendon through his hands up in surrender, shoveling a forkful of the pasta in his mouth as the toddler stared at him in approval.

"don't just give into him, brendon!" ryan said with a laugh, but giving his son an annoyed glance.

"i have to. he could probably beat me up if i don't." brendon replied with a grin, shaking a fist at marcus. the child's eyes narrowed and he gently swatted at brendon.

"hey! don't hit!" the oldest scolded, making a similar expression at the boy.

"i'll throw down. right here." brendon threatened, scowling at the toddlers smirk.

"marcus if you fight him you'll never taste mac and cheese again."

the same fear from earlier fell onto marcus' face as he quickly tucked his hands back into his lap, not even looking at brendon. ryan rolled his eyes, noticing the triumphant grin on brendons lips.

brendon may not have been his first choice, but at least he seemed to get along.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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