He Yearns For Answers

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- Nagisa's POV-

"Alright then," the redhead in front of me sighed. The look of disappointed was on his face, but he still turned his head straight forward and kept me close. "Where do you want me to start?"

"From the beginning, before you started the bloodshed." Out of habit, I stared at the blood stains on his chest. There was just, so many. So many to count.

So many to believe.

He sighed briefly, but opened his mouth to speak. "This is gonna be a doozy."

"Well, everything's shit anyway."

"Here we go."

- Narrator's POV -

"Oh my gosh, is that the Karma Akabane?"

"Geez, I think you're right this time." People whispered, unaware that the redhead could in fact hear them. In fact, he was a bit annoyed. But he didn't chase them down just to give them a piece of his mind.

Boys and girls scattered the cafe as they kept whispering to each other. Some were actually from Karma's school, considering they wore the same uniforms. Some were just talking like they knew him in person already.

Female students were scared or just mesmerised by his outstandingly great appearance and 'I-don't-give-a-fuck' attitude. Male students were nudging each other and daring each other to go talk to the sadist, who was suspended tons of time the year before.

Finally, Karma snapped.

"Alright, I can hear you idiots you know?" He groaned loudly, making sure everyone heard it. Almost everyone stopped talking... but a group of third years decided they were suicidal and stepped up to the sitting down and drinking tea redhead. "Hm, what do you guys need? A death wish?"

Instead of being intimidated, the three smirked at each other, the one on the right taking a step forward and planting a hand on Karma's table meant for two.

"You're Akabane right?" His eyes glared at the ombre ones in front if him.

Karma rose his eyebrow in confusion. "Depends who's talking. Spill."

They snickered to one another. "Damn, you don't need to be a dick about it!" One of the guys decided to take the seat parallel to the sadist.

"What do you want? To make fun of me for being in E-Class? Been there already bud," Karma continued to drink his tea in hnad.

"Nope... how did you get in the End class anyway? I mean, aren't you one of the smartest kids around?" One of them asked nonchalantly.

Karma turned his gaze to the fellow sitting across from him. "Yeah? Well, beating up people for threatening my friend isn't exactly 'school friendly' according to the rules."


"You've probably heard of him before," one guy sitting off to the side said, joining into the conversation like he belonged there at the start. All four third years turned their heads at him. "Isn't your friend that Nagisa kid?"

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