LGD- Chapter 1

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Jiae (pronounced as G, A):

" Jiae-ssi! Wake up now! You're late for school" My alarm err...step-mother screamed outside my door.

"5 more minutes, eomma!" I shouted back, half asleep with my eyes still heavy and my drool still dripping 😪


"Ah!" Take a guess.

Yes, she kicked me...hard...on my back
Which made my eyes fly open

"Aish! Jinjja?!" I muttered to myself as I slowly sat up.

"Wake up! You good-for-nothing child!"


Well this is a bad way to start this day.

So... Yeah...just wait and I'll get ready for school

Okie! I'm ready(^o^)

Where do I study? Well, I'm a freshman at Seoul School Of Performing Arts majoring in Dance. Yes the Dance.


I studied there ever since and I'm always at the back of the singer. While the spotlight's on them...there I am... On the back...dancing for them.

I wish I would feel how it is to sing.

What a feeling right? I like singing although I inly get a chance to perform in the bathroom. Eomma doesn't want me to sing in public as well because if only IF I get famous who would do the chores around the house?

Damn. I surely hate her but there's nothing I can do. If I disobey her, I'll starve and live in the streets.(¯―¯٥)


"Vivie!"  Someone shouted from behind. A familiar english accent. Mark Lee

I turned to face him and shouted back "Sup!?" And high-fived him.

Who's VIVIE you ask? Vivie's me.

I studied in France since I was born...before it happened,which forced me to move to Korea. My english name is actually Geneviene Song for short...Vivie(^o^)v

Back to the plot. Mark and I were friends since I moved here since I'm very comfortable talking to him, until he debuted. We seldomly see each other snce he's busy with group promotions . As you see, my korean is not fully furnished yet.

"Well, how's you're last day as a frehman?" Mark asked while carrying his food tray to our table.

Yes, today's my last day as a freshman and then vacay!!!

"So-so"  - Me(-.-)

I heard Mark chuckle a bit.
"What's so funny, Mr. Lee?"  Me(→_→) (^_^)Mark

"Nothing. I just can't get used to your accent. It's so...Frenchヽ(^。^)ノ"  - Mark

"We've been friends for months, almost a year! And you still don't get used to it?" (*>_<*)ノ

"Change topic," I said as we settled down on our table "How's NCT U's promotion going on. BTW, CONGRATS ON YOUR DEBUT!(^.^)/~~~"

"Gomawo. Well, we're going to have an interview tomorrow and don't tell anyone but, we're also preparing for a new unit debut."

"Ooohhh(゜o゜) what's it called?"

"NCT 127."

"1.2.7? Numbers? Wae?"

"127 is simply the longitude of Seoul"

Dafuq? Watdahek?!

"I don't get it"

"Of course... you're a bird-brain"

Die. Srsly. Just die.(^_^)v Mark  Me(-_-メ)


"Well, lunch time's over see you later at dismissal then." I said as I stand up and bid goodbye.

Play: EXO- She's Dreaming

While waiting for Mark, I plugged in my earphones and listened to EXO's  song. I love SM Entertainment. Well , it's artists as well tho ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

People often mistaken this by obsession.  I remember my eomma saying, "Yah! What's so good with those music. You have poor taste, my dear. Let me guess you're like one of those sasaengs who only listen to those funky men just because of good looks eh?"

Aigoo... No eomma. The reason why I like them? I often wonder...how does it feel to have millions of people of loving you. Sure someone will bash you but your supporters will defend you.

How does it feel to perform your song on stage? Hearing fanchants for you? How does it feel to be loved by many?

In the midst of my deep thoughts somebody pulled off my earphones.

"Hey!•̀.̫•́✧ " My mouth reacted even before I saw who it was. Mark. And behind him are Jaemin, Donghyuck and ...Jeno.

" I've calling you out but you're not responding. Tsk."


"By the way, I know I promised to take you out for some treats but we have to go. We were required to be at the company" (︶^︶)-Mark

"That promise was a week late already (・へ・)" -me

"I'm really really sorry. I promise your treats tomorrow. For real!"

( ・ิω・ิ)"Yakso?"


"Aigoo... fine. Now shoo you!"

"Bye, Jiji!!!" (^.^)/~~~-Jaemin

"Ne annyeooong Jaemin oppa,Donghyuck oppa...J-jeno o-opp-pa"

Darn this tongue! When our eyes met , my heart was beating like crazy! Jeno why do keep doing this to me? Wae???

He smiled at me. Sht.

"Bye, Jiae. Take care" (^_^)/- Jeno

Deyyymmmm! That soft eyesmile got me weak! Help me! As if taking the queue, they left.

Well, I guess it's a lonely way home.

Author Jei:
Hello, my dear Simins!!! Chapter 1 iz done! Yehet ohorat! Well., By the way I need your opinion so dearly to improve this cuz as  I've said earlier, I'm 14 and imagination when it comes this type of isn't fully developed. So yeah, tell me what you think about and, don't forget to follow me on twitter (@ matte_barbie) and on instagram (@ jeiapdo)

Annyeong and NCT's wife is OUT

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