The girl on the swing

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"Ann come here and get your sisters!" My mother yelled for me.

She was writing a paper for school and my sisters were distracting her. She needed me to take them to the park like always. I go into her study to gather them, and take them out.

"But Mom we're tired of the same old park." One whines.

"Ann sweetie take them to a different park maybe?" My Mom suggest.

"But that'd mean taking them on the bus."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever here. Go on now Ann's gonna take you to another park." My Mom hands me bus fair for the four of us.

"Okay... what time should we be back?"

"I don't know just be back in time for dinner."
With that I went out with my sisters to gather their shoes and to go wait for the bus.

"Ann... do you like taking us out?" The oldest of my younger sisters peered up at me and asked.

"Sometimes you all can be a handful, but usually I do enjoy our outings."

"Good." She smirks and runs off to go play with my other sisters while waiting for the bus.
When the bus pulls up to the stop my sisters come running and pour onto the almost empty bus. It's dark and cloudy outside, and tiny rain drops steadily drop onto the bus. I put some of the money in the thing to pay, and my sisters and I take our seats. The dim lights that light the bus flicker slightly every once in a while scaring my youngest sister every time it does so. I peer out the glass with raindrops running down it like tears on a cheek. I notice a mother with her children waiting for a different bus at another stop. The umbrella not big enough for the both of them so she holds it just barely above the child's head. It's sweet really but the sight makes me sad.

"Ann?" My youngest sister puts her ongoing game of Rock Paper Scissors shoot with my middle sister On pause to look up at me.


"Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Huh... ummm... I don't- I don't know why do you ask?" The question startles me because she's so young, but yet the way she said ghosts. She knows much about life and death for her age it's saddening.

"Because I do."

"And whys that?"

"Because I spoke with one once. There are bad ghosts and good ones but... but I've never met a bad one."


"That's it." She giggles and turns back to her game.

The rest of the bus ride is silent. The bus puffs to a stop and my sisters spill out. I thank the driver before getting off to begin walk the rest of the way to the park. My sisters stick by my side because they don't know the way to the park and to be quite honest neither do I. We follow a sidewalk as more trees surround us the longer we follow it, and at some point the sidewalk disappears into a dirt path. I begin to doubt there's a park down this odd trail but suddenly there's a wide clearing in the trees. My sisters gasp at the wooden structure before them. The park built purely out of wood and nails shaped into a castle. I walk around the fairly large structure to look for the swings where I'll wait till my sisters are tired and ask to return home. Once I make my way around there's a swing set fairly newer than the rest of the park. There on one of the five swings sat a girl.

She stared at me for awhile before looking back at the ground. She just sat there on the swing swaying back and forth slightly. I got chills down my spine and I got goosebumps. For a split second I thought I could've been getting this feeling from her but I brushed aside these silly thoughts for she was just a child and there was nothing odd about her other than that she was alone out in these woods.
I sat two swings away from her. Not wanting to scare the small little thing. She looked to be about three at the very least.

"Ann!" My oldest sister came running out of the castle towards me pausing for a moment after laying eyes on the girl.

"What is it?" I ask trying to ignore the child.

She comes real close to me to whisper, "who's she?" She points slightly knowing it's rude to point.

"I don't know. I don't see any one else here with her. Go ask if she wants to play with you."

But before she can get to the girl to ask her she gets off the swing and walks a few steps before vanishing.

I guess I do believe in ghosts.

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