The new boy

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Dean started off his day normally, he had a shower brushed his teeth, woke up Sam and got dressed for school.
He didn't know that someone was about to join his class who was going to change his life.

"Hey Charlie"
"Hey Dean, have you heard the news?"
"No i havent what is it?"
"Theres a new kid joining he has some weird name Castiel or something like that"
"Awesome ill look forward to meeting him"

"Good morning class, we have a new student his name is Castiel Novak. Castiel is there anything you would like to say to the class?"

"Not really"

"Ok well take your seat next to Dean, the boy in the leather jacket"

Cas' pov
So im sitting next to probably the most beautiful man ive seen in my life, crap what do i do hes so handsome with his muscular body and softly shaven face hes probably a dick though

Dean's pov
So this new kid eh Castiel hes fucking gorgeous his hair is curly brown and ruffled and dont even get me started on his eyes.

"Hey Cas"
"My names Castiel" Cas blushed
"Well im gonna call you Cas. Anyways you alright you seem a bit down"
"Im fine i just moved here and i dont have any friends yet"
"Ahh thats where your wrong, im Dean Winchester and we are officially friends"
"Ok then that was easier than expected"

Deans pov
What is wrong with me? Were officially friends what was i thinking i fucking friendzoned the guy fucking awesome.

Cas' pov
Deans mysterious, he seems like hes hiding something back but i cant figure it out. Who is Dean Winchester?

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