Part 1

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Today is my 12th birthday and I was sitting with my parents with them looking like if someone  said 'boo' from anywhere in the house they would jump ten feet  in the air. Finally my dad said something, and for me it was life changing.
He said "Kali, we aren't  your real parents." "Wait, what?" I asked. "What does that mean?" I knew what it ment but I wanted to hear it for myself. "We know you know what it means, but the reason we are telling you today is because tomorrow  your brothers will be picking you up so they can take you home." I stared at them like they were crazy. This either a very good day or a very bad one.
"So wait, I will be moving into a new life in, where exactly?" "In Broxton, Oklahoma." " So I will be moving half way across the country to be with family members that I don't even know! That's crazy, especially since they had someone adopt me and now they want me back." I say leaning back in my seat. 
We didn't speak until the party.
After the party they helped me pack and gave me one last present. It was a charm bracelet with four charms on it. One was a hammer and not the one you're thinking of. It sorta looked like a war hammer from the vikings. The second one was a small round pendent with two gold horns carved into it. The next two were pretty common, one was a cool little car. The other one was a little dalmatian dog. My mom explained the gift. "This was from your brothers when we adopted you. We added the dog for me and the car for your father." "Thanks mom, dad. Or should I even call you that?" I say and turn to grab my favorite books from a shelf.
The next day I sat reading my favorite book on my now bare bed. Just then someone rang the door bell I looked in my mirror to see out in the hall as their voices floated through the door.
There were two guys that were most likely my so called brothers. One was tall, about twenty, well muscled and had shoulder length blond hair. The other one was also tall but looked about eighteen with shorter black hair. My mom greeted them and pointed them towards my room.
I finger the hammer and the pendent nervously. Honestly I was scared, I was going to meet two people that were supposed to be my brothers and if I had ever met them I had forgotten them. When they walked in the room I reallized just how scared I was. 
The one with the black hair squatted in front of me and brushed my dirty blond hair out of my electric blue eyes and said, "Look, I know this is probably scary, finding out that you were adopted and being taken from the only home you have ever known. I know what you're going through." "How could you know that?" "I'll tell you later. Right now we need to go home."  I nod.
I pick up my two bags and the blond one grabbed my suit case. And I asked, "What are your names?" They looked at me with supprised  expressions on their faces. "They didn't tell you?" Asked the blond one. I shake my head. "I'm Loki and this is Thor." Said the black haired one. We walked out of my room closing the door behind us.
My adopted mom hugged me and my dad kissed my cheek and they sent me off, following my brothers. We got into a running car with a driver that honestly looked like a strong man and left the only home I ever knew behind. Sooner then I thought possible we arrived at our destination, and it wasn't anywhere near Broxton Oklahoma.
"Where are we?" I asked. "It's the gateway to Asguard, the gateway to our home." "Wait are you saying that you are Asguardians?" "Yes, didn't you know?" Asked Loki, a little puzzled. "They never told you?" "They said that you lived in Broxton Oklahoma, they never said anything about Asguard." "Hmm interusting, and yes we are Asguardians and therefore so are you."
Wow, this is unbelievable. And yet here I am standing in a clearing in the woods with three people that claim to be Asguardians. Loki grabbed my two bags, handed them to me, took my hand and called out, "Heimdall, we are ready." Then a beam encased all of us, including the mysterious driver in a rainbow of light and the feeling of shooting up into who knows were.

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