Part 2

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When the feeling of shooting up stopped and the light faded away, a golden dome materialized around us. "This is the Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge." Said Loki as I looked around. There was a man, presumably Heimdall, standing in the middle of the room with a golden sword in hand. He strode over to us and kneeled down before us and said "The Odin children have returned."
He stood and we followed him down a long rainbow like bridge to a beautiful palace made with gold and lined with silver. Inside the palace was a grand throne room with such a high ceiling that a tree about as tall as a house could just barely fit in the room. In the back of the room was a throne placed in front of a pair of doors, where they lead to I have no idea. Sitting on the throne was a man with one eye and a long white beard.
He stood to greet us when we reached him I noticed that all of us were wearing some type of armor, that was comfortable but made you stand up straight. I look at Loki and he was wearing a helmet with two golden horns sticking out of it. I fingered the pendent with the golden horns carved in it. The man with the beard finished greeting Thor and walked over to me and Loki. He asked "What did they name you my girl?" "My name is Kali, sir." "No need for formalities young one, please call me Father. Now Loki, did they tell her about anything about us?" "No, All Father, they only told her that she was adopted the day we notified them that we would take her back. They didn't even give her the charm bracelet until the night after we notified them." "In that case, Loki you shall be her guardian until she is deemed fit to be a full Asguardian." "Yes Father." Loki replies and then he escorted me to my new 'chambers' as he called it.
It was at the top of a very tall tower. His room was just below mine. My room was simple but elegant and beautiful. It has a high arched ceiling with simple carvings of stars planets and moons with ancent creatures on and around them. In the middle of the room was a dip in the floor with pillows and blankets. On the far side was two doors, one leading to a walk in closet the other a bathroom.
"Wow." I say. "It's nice isn't it. Now that you have seen your chambers, we shall go to my chambers for your basic lessons on Asguardian history and magic lessons. You shall receive your battle training from Lady Sif." He says and gestures for me to follow him.
His chambers were huge, full of magical and historical artifacts. All I can say is wow. We started with basic Asguardian  history and the simplest spells Loki could find in his spell books. We also covered the greetings, formalities and culture of the Asguardians in the first week. By the end of the week I had learned the things I needed to know about their culture and basic spells.
It was much easier than the first time when Thor came in to check on us and I accidentally turned him into 'The Frog Of Thunder'. Loki had to turn him back into himself before he started striking people with lightning bolts. Now I was introduced to my weapons and battle trainer, Lady Sif.
She was stern but understanding. The only weapon I had ever fired that they had was a bow. So we started with that. It was hard, I hurt all over for a week.
Then the Frost Giants came. It was my second week in Asguard when they came, big hulking things practically made from ice and frost. I was practicing my scrying skills when the spell went out of control and I saw the outer reaches of Asguard. Where the Frost Giants marching and chanting 'down with Asguard'.
I shook myself and went to tell Loki. I knocked on the door and said, "Loki, we need to talk!" He opened the door and said "What is it?" He grumbled, in a bad mood. "I was practicing my scrying and the spell went out of control and I saw the outer reaches of Asguard and I saw the Frost Giants marching toward Asguard." "What? Let me check." Said Loki, pulling me inside. He sat down at the scrying bowl and focused in on the outskirts of Asguard and saw the Frost Giants. He leaped up and we dashed out the door to warn the All Father.

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