Part 1

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I was sitting at home perfectly happy when my dad told me I was enrolled in a school in upstate New York for 'Gifted Students' like me. I am a mutant and this school I am going to is for mutants. It's called Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Anyway, currently I am in the car, and honestly the school looks like a mansion from when they still had oil lamps for light. It was covered in ivy and looked like it had seen both of the world wars in action. It was cool looking but I was wondering if it even had electricity.
As we pulled up a bald man in a wheelchair came out onto the steps. He was wearing a black suit and was most likely tall, if he wasn't in a wheelchair. My dad parked and we went to meet the guy in the wheelchair. It turned out that he was Charles Xavier and he was the headmaster of the school.
We went inside and Xavier and my dad talked about tuition and my powers. Xavier gave me permission to have a look around the first floor. I decided to see if there was a library here. Suddenly my best friend appeared next to me and said, "How's it goin?" "Other than the fact that nobody is here, good." He nodded. My father called, "Kali, I'm leaving." I jogged to the door and gave my dad a hug. "Be good. Good luck." He kissed my forehead and left.
I turned and saw Xavier waiting. "Come, I shall show you around, and when we are finished, we shall have a talk about your powers." I nod, looking forward to having a place to put down my bags. We went to an elevator and he explained that I couldn't go to the lower floors. The lower floors were for personnel only. I could only go down there if I was invited by one of the teachers.
We went to the second floor and he showed me my room. "You may put your bags in here. Next I shall show you the rest of the dorms." I nodded and put my stuff next to the window. I noticed that there were two beds. Hmmmm, maybe I will have my own room, that or I already have a roommate.
I went back to Xavier and we walked through the dorms and gradually made our way to his office. It was nice with lots of wood in it, the desk was mahogany I think. He gestured for me to sit down, so I sat. I felt a gentle hand on my sholder, it was my friend, Loki. I bet you were wondering where he got of to. I don't actually know but he does that, honestly I'm just supprised that he is in here with me.
Xavier spoke, "I see you have a friend with you." I nod. "My name is Loki." He said stiffly. Xavier gave him a look and continued. "Kali, I do believe that your powers are more unusual than you let on. May I read your mind so I can get a better sense of your powers?" Loki squeezed my sholder a little, then released. I nod my consent and a strange feeling washed over me. Memories of when my powers manifested, and what happened when they did.
Loki had held my hand so he could show me one of his new abilities. As soon as our fingers touched, he yanked his hand back with a yelp and he did this thing he always does when an adult was around and disappeared. That night when he came back he startled me. My hand shot out reflexively and a burst of blue light shot from my fingers and hit him in the chest. He stumbled back and stared at me, pure shock on his face and said "How did you do that?" I had no idea and I fled from the room, ever since then I have worn gloves every second of the day and night.

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