French Fries

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In which Taylor gets all four of her wisdom teeth taken out.

Karlie's POV

"Alright Taylor, I'm going to help you walk to the recovery room now. Okay?" I hear the nurse.

Soon enough I see Taylor grasping onto the nurse's shoulders as they walk slowly towards the recovery room.

"Alright Taylor, I'm going to help you lie down now and I'll go tell Dr. Reynolds that you're in recovery now." He says as he lies bed.

Taylor begins to tear up before the nurse could leave. And soon enough the actual whimpering starts.

"Taylor, sweetie are you in any pain?"

She shakes her head no and the nurse asks her why she's crying then and hand her tissues to wipe her face off.

"I don't know." Is all she says.

"This is normal, there's a 50 percent group of patients that cry with the medications and a 50 percent group that laughs. It'll wear off in about 3-4 hours." He informs me. I nod in understatement.

Soon enough another girl comes in, about the same age as Taylor, she also had all four of her wisdoms pulled—from my understanding, it's an actual surgery—

"Okay Cara, I'm going to go get your grandmother. You lie here."

Cara laughs in the nurse's face and starts laughing too herself. Hmm, she must be the classified in laughing group.

Taylor begins to cry again when Cara starts laughing and it's honestly the funniest thing ever.

"Baby, it's okay. Are you hurting?" I ask.

"No." She whines.

"Then why are you crying?" I ask while trying not to laugh.

"I —." She begins, but soon forgets what she was going to say.

"I-I don't remember." She whines.

"It's okay baby, you got your wisdom teeth out." I say.

"What the hell, you had wisdom teeth surgery? When did I have mine?" Cara asks, not knowing that she just got out of her wisdom surgery.

"I don't know!" Taylor breaks.

Cara starts laughing at Taylor and I can't blame her.

The three of us were in the recovery room while the nurse aided to Taylor and Cara. They had me cracking up the whole time.

Sadly it was time for Taylor to leave. The nurse and I help Taylor walk to the car, but before we leave the recovery room, Taylor stops in front of Cara and slightly waves and cries.

"It was nice meeting you Cara." She cried.

"You too Taylor!" Cara laughs.

The drive home was pretty much the same as the recovery room. Just Taylor crying over the colors of cars.

"Karlie." She calls.

"Yes baby?" I respond.

"I really really love this song." She begins crying.

The song 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey was on and Tay was really feeling the lyrics as she tried to sing them as she cried.

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