Creepy Delivery Girl part 2

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I am only writing this because someone said plz XD

Your Pov

After the dark green haired man closed the door the room fell awkwardly silent. I sat on the floor and slowly opened my eyes, just to realize that everyone in the small apartment was staring at me with a look of confusion... OMG SENPAI IS STARING AT ME! Okay breathe in out, keep it cool (Y/N) don't say anything stupid "I..I really like your apartment, its kinda cozy." i said as i wiped my tears from my face. A grin grew on Urushihara's face, there was another dead silence for a few seconds until he burst out laughing, i began to feel my face heat up uncontrollably "URUSHIHARA its rude to laugh at a guest! Apologize right now!"  a blonde said from the stove "DUDE THAT IS LIKE SO UNFAIR!! SHES NOT EVEN A GUEST SHE JUST RAN IN!" urushihara yelled back at him now standing. "its fine really.." i said under my breath, but somehow they heard me because they stopped yelling and looked in my direction, the man with green hair then spoke up "Speaking of which why did you run in here?"  "well um you see there wa-" "WE KNOW YOUR IN THERE YOU LITTLE BITCH GET YOU ASS OUT HERE AND GET WHATS COMING TO YOU!" one goon said "YEAH OR WE WILL COME IN AND GET YOU AND EVERYBODY ELSE THAT'S IN THERE!" the other said. 'i cant't let them hurt these innocent men, specifically not Urushihara, i guess i need to go.' i stood up and reached for the doorknob "what are you doing!! Your not going out there!" Urushihara stated " i kinda have to or else those dumpster divers are gonna come in here and beat us all to a pulp!" i responded "Well let me go out there, it makes no since that you two are arguing about this" dark green haired guy says " No sire, there are two men out there let me go with you." the  blonde said "Ashiya i said not to call me that, now come on they are getting aggravating." they both went out of the apartment closing the door behind them. "hey, are you um ok?" urushihara said after sitting back down at his computer slightly looking back at me " oh um y-yeah, im f-fine" i feel my face heat up again "Are you sure those douche bags have been scaring girls all week.." I jumped to my feet "YOU KNEW THEY WERE OUT THERE DOING THAT AND YOU JUST LET IT HAPPEN!!" i felt tears begin to rise but swallowed the lump in my throat "What do you mean? He's not doing anything to bad just scaring the sh-" "NO.. that's not even close to all hes been doing." I said letting a few tears slip before sitting back down against the wall Urushihara then crawls over to me "Hey, don't cry i didn't know they did stuff like that, just take deep breathes and try calming down." he slowly edged closer and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap and holding me. I cried into his shoulder before settling down and realizing that i was in his lap right now... I felt my face turn to fire and i covered my face with my hands so he couldn't tell how badly i was blushing. I felt him edge closer to my ear before saying "(y/n) you shouldn't hide your face, its to beautiful to cover up. Even if you are as red as a tomatoe." he says with a big grin spreading across his face

Okay so i still have no idea how to end this but tadaaaa theres something i guess

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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