night guard

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The employees had just finished cleaning the blood off the Freddy suit while others tried opening it to get the last night guard out.

No one really knows what happens in Freddy fazbears at night. But what's even more shocking is the fact when they check the cameras there's nothing but static.

The manager walked in and sigh while running his fingers through his hair, clearly you could tell he was frustrated. He fixed his gaze on the Freddy suit watching there progress.

"Sir!sir!" Yells one of the employees running up from behind him.
"Yes?" He asked not caring if frustration was shown in his voice.

"What are we going to do about...that" he said gazing over the Freddy suit.
"Nothing.." He said trailing off clearly deep in thought.
"Well what about the camera crew..." He said in thought as well.

"We won't tell them anything to risky for business." He began
"But we can't let this keep happening...." Said the stunned employee not tearing his gaze off the bear.

The manager sigh walking out taking the employee out of his day dream. They walked in front of the stage and began to gaze over the animatronics.

"Is project B15 ready?" He finally said looking at the employee.
The employee looked up at him shocked.

"B-but s-sir she hasn't been tested ye-yet." He said not even trying to hide the fear.
"Is she ready?" He said looking him in the eyes trying to find an answer.

The employee lowers his gaze studying the floor then whispers.
"Yes sir she is done being made"

"Then there is no problem with putting her on the job." He said with a smirk on his face clearly proud that there project was done.

"But sir we need to test her." Said the employee with a hint of annoyance you couldn't pace up.

"And what type of testing dose she need?" He asked narrowing his eyes at him challenging him to object.

"I'm not sure but-"  he was cut off by the manager rudely.

"Well if your not sure then put her on the job. And without further ado we will never speak of this again I'm leaving you in charge with the operation." He said then walked out the building leaving the employee with a worried look.

He sighs as he then turns his gaze back to the three animatronics. After a while he then gose to check on the progress of the others to see the damage of the body.

Later that night...

Bonnie was the first to wake like always. He began to look at the camera but slightly shocked when the camera shows no sight of life.

He just shrugs it off thinking the new night guard might not be using the cameras at the time. Witch is great for bonnie since he could easily pass through the halls and tables without getting seen.

He did his daily walk through the halls while still checking the cameras trying to figure out why life hasn't shown in them yet.

Is was 3:00am and bonnie still toke his time getting over to the office doors trying to make loud noise but not to loud. But chica must've woken up because she was now off the stage making her way to the kitchen to make a midnight snack not caring for the new night guard or cameras.

She was now tying to find the light switch but ends up breaking the camera like every night. She sighs and cusses under her breath. But she kept looking until she found the switch.

Bonnie on the other hand had other plans than to eat pizza like chica or sleeping like Freddy and foxy he on the other hand wanted to see why the cameras did not come to life. He was now in the closet by the hall he always went down.

Seeing that the doors were open but no sign of life from the cameras or door. Becoming more suspicious about the new night guard.
He then krept closer, then the six am bell rang as bonnie groaned in frustration for not being quick enough to get to the door to figure out the mystery.

He then made his way back to the stage already seeing chica was there with her cupcake Caryl. He then went and stood in his place closing his eyes letting himself reset.


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