ii. carrion flowers

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two carrion flowers

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          The overwhelming fear that had encompassed Evelyn for the majority of her train ride had dissipated by the time the train reached Hogsmeade Station.

          With Neville's promise to help her with her Herbology studies, there was a new sense of hope that she wouldn't fail the class (and subsequently wouldn't fail her O.W.L.'s and would in fact not fail her other classes, she would be able to advance to N.E.W.T. levels in the other subjects, and she wouldn't be forced to live without a career or home in a cold, damp cardboard box on a sidewalk in London until she was struck with the plague leaving her to die. Frankly, this seemed like a win on her part). She knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Neville was her only hope at gaining a decent score on her exams. Like everyone knew, Neville was a literal Herbology god. Bloody hell, he might have known more than Sprout herself. Knowing that Neville was willing to help her seemed to quell any fears she had when the train had started moving.

          She was now seemingly back to her normal, bubbly self, practically bouncing off the train as she regrouped with Seamus and Dean on the platform. Only the usual, every year twinges of worry filled her stomach, but as she glanced across the gathering of students now dressed in their school robes over at where Neville stood with Harry and Ginny, she felt confident. Her eyes may have stared just a little too long, causing the Longbottom boy to glance over to where she stood. As if it was reflex for him, his cheeks burned instantly. Biting her lip, Evelyn laughed and gave a little wave. His eyes went wide for a brief moment, before he fumbled with his pot of Mimbulus mimbletonia in order to wave back.

          "Wavin' at ya new boyfriend, are ya?" an Irish lilt chuckled from beside her, causing Evelyn to divert her gaze from Neville back to the friend at her side. Witnessing the smug expression on Seamus's face and seeing the way he elbowed Dean's side in jest made her roll her eyes, letting her hand dart out to whack her wand off the top of his skull. He jumped back instantly, rubbing his temple in annoyance as Dean broke out into peals of laughter. "Fuck, Ev."

          The girl shrugged, giving a dirty look to the boy that she (for reasons unbeknownst to herself) called one of her best friends. "Shut your trap, Finnigan. He's only helping me with Herbology. Lucky he even agreed in the first place."

          Dean cut off his laughter rather quickly and looked down at her, raising a brow. "Oh, come off it, Ev. Everyone and their mum knows that there's no way in hell that Neville would ever say no to you."

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