Im an alien

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Asrela POV

I sat on the window staring at the stars of the universe, all of them were beautiful and different colors. Purple, blue, green, and white filled the forever night sky but how bright they shined only means that it's morning and the princess of the moon tribes birthday. I turned on the shower and sat on the ground of the shower as the warm soothing water hit my dust grey skin, I lifted my face out of my knees and let the water hit the crescent on my forehead which made the white of it turn a pinkish color which made me flinch and put my head back into my knees, I got out wrapping the towel around me ~uhg when are one of the maids come barging into my room telling me to wake up?~ I said putting my uniform on and put my hair in pigtails like usual and the crystal necklace my mom gave me when I was little. I walked out of my door with my backpack on, it had a verity of pins on it and it had purple polkadots and a white black background
"Good morning Princess."
Both maids said bowing their heads a little, I gave them a little wave and a little smile as I walked past
My twin said running down the hall as he hugged me tightly
I said hugging him back he grabbed my hand and pulled me down stairs to the kitchen
"What is it mom and dad aren't home."
He said silent and had that stupid grin on his face like always
He said grabbing something out of the fridge
"What is that?"
I said as he pulled out a small cake and it was a mirror cake like always liked it
"Happy Birthday sis!"
He said setting it in front of me, the crescent turned grey and that's when his smile wiped away
"What's wrong."
I got up and had a blank expression on my face
"I'm not in the mood."
I whipped my eye that had bark circles under it
"But you used to love my cakes on your birthday when mom and dad weren't home."
King said as his black eyes weld with tears as the cracked crescent flicked light blue, I walked over to him and kissed his cheek
"Oh don't I'm sorry I didn't mean to I promise when I get home I'll eat it."
I hugged him and wiped his tears away
"You big teddy bear."
I said smiling and gently touching the crack on his crescent. I walked out the house and locked the door, as I was walking I saw this boy with a cigarette in his hand a guitar sitting next to him and he was sitting on the sidewalk. He looked up at me as I walked past, he glanced at me before puffing an air of smoke
"Just ignore it As just ignore it."
I whispered to my self and walked a little faster. It was the end of the day and like always I sat at the Blue leaved tree on the hill
"I'm an idiot aren't I."
I talked to myself noticing the time
The three eyed cat jumped and looked at me from her slumber
"Bye Galla I'll see you tomorrow."
I said patting her head as she purred at my touch getting off of me, I ran down the hill. I walked past that boy again but this time his guitar was gone, I looked at him and he he looked at me, we stared into each other's dark voids we call eyes and I smiled awkwardly and he had an empty emotionless face ~what's this kids problem.~ I thought walking a little away awkwardly, he grabbed onto my leg and got up, his hight overwhelmed me and made me fletch
"H-hi there I-I gotta g-go home sorry."
I said with a shaky voice
"I'm alien and your parents work with mine."
He said emotionless still no expression ~ come on we're all aliens worst fake nam.~ I thought, snapping out of it I put out my hand
"Hi I'm Asrela but you can just call me As."
He shook my hand and took a cigarette out of his pocket and lite it
"Want one?"
He said once more emotionless
I said putting my hands up and shaking my head, he shrugged and walked away.

~who was that guy well of course he's a alien but I'm am alien to.~

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