The studio

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Your cab pulls up to the studio, just outside of times square. You look out the window as your car goes along. The studios a 2 story building with paparazzi swarming the entrance. This is so surreal. You can't believe that you have a all expense paid trip to New freaking York. I mean of course you have to work but who cares!! New York!!

You get out of the car. The paparazzi take a few photos but not a lot of them care about the person behind the camera they only care about the person in front of it.

Inside the building you walk up to the main desk. There's a woman sitting behind it typing at her computer.

"Hey" you say to the woman behind the desk. "I'm meant to be here for a shoot and i'm a bit late, sorry about that my flight arrived later then I thought it would" you explain.

"It's fine" the lady says. "Go down the corridor and your studio is the third door on the left" she tells you.

"Thank you so much" you say as you begin walking away.

As you open the door to the studio your jaw drops. It's everything you hoped for and more.

You drop your camera bag and begin to set up your tripod when you hear the door click open and a boy with pink hair appears in the room.

"Josh?" you ask, unsure whether your imagining him or not.

The person standing in front of the door smiles and says "that would be me."

"What? Why are you here?" you ask him, feeling sure that this is a joke.

"Well it just so happens that I have a photo shoot right now, in this very studio and this very room" he says.

You can feel your brain going into overdrive trying to figure out who this guy is apart from a random that you met on a plane. Then it clicks. You remember that bright pink hair and that smile from countless magazines and TV appearances. You don't know the name of the band or of the other guy in it. All you know is that their practically one of the most famous bands in the world right now. This was never a photo shoot for a model. It was a photo shoot for Josh's band.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He asks while pushing out his lower lip.

"Of course I am I just didn't think it would be so soon after I got off the plane" you explain to him.

"Well if this doesn't change anything would you still be okay with hanging out afterwards?" He asks. He actually seems nervous while asking you.

"We'll see" you say with a smirk as you begin to set up your camera.

You see the door open and see somebody walk in who's about the same height as Josh.

"Hi, i'm Tyler can we get this started soon? I'm late for something" He says while looking at his phone.

"Okay, yup" thrown a bit off guard by his rudeness "just stand in front of the camera and we'll get started."


Follow me on IG and stuff by the way if you want @sunshine.dun & @miriam.rhodes it gets pretty lit over there

I'm actually so sorry that this is shit lmao

I have my English exam on Thursday so that's fantastic i'm gonna fail yaya

Anyway bye thanks for reading!!

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