Chapter 7- Flying Lesson

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When Harry knocked on the door, they heard a frantic scrabbling inside and loud barks. Melissa perked up when she heard the dog. Then Hagrid called,
"Back Fang, Back!" before his face appeared at a crack in the door he'd just opened. "Hang on, Back Fang!" Hagrid let the three in whilst holding the collar of an enormous black boarhound. "Take a seat." he said and they did. Fang came over to Melissa and she started stroking him. The large dog led down on her feet as she fussed him. Like Hagrid, he was clearly not as fierce as he looked.
"Hello you three, how are ye?"
"Hi!" Melissa and Ron replied.
"Another Weasley eh?" Hagrid asked, looking at Ron's hair, "I spend half me life chasin yer twin brothers out the forest." Melissa giggled at this as Hagrid handed them a rock cake each which nearly broke her teeth. She tried to look like she was enjoying it so as not to hurt his feelings. The three of them told Hagrid all about their first week at school.
"Where's yer twin then Melissa?" Hagrid asked.
"Oh, her and I don't get along and ever since I befriended Harry and Ron she's ignored me even more. It's been quite peaceful actually." Melissa explained. They were delighted to hear Hagrid call Filch "Tha' old git."
"An' as for that cat, Mrs Norris, I'd like ter introduce her to Fang sometime. D'yeh know, every time I go up ter the school, she follows me everywhere? Can't get rid of her- Filch puts her up to it." Melissa laughed a little and then Harry told him about Snape's potion lesson.
"It was brilliant," Ron said, "Melissa told him to pick on someone else!" Melissa went crimson,
"I didn't mean to." she explained. Hagrid chuckled and told Harry not to worry because Snape hated everyone. Hagrid started talking to Ron about his brother, Charlie, and Melissa noticed Harry picking up a newspaper from the table.
"Hagrid!" he said, "That Gringotts break in happened on my Birthday! It might've been happening whilst we were there!" Hagrid just grunted and offered them another rock cake. Melissa could tell Hagrid knew something and wasn't telling them but she kept quiet. She could figure it out later. Taking a quick read of the newspaper, Melissa remembered Harry saying something about a grubby package being the only thing in the vault. She had a feeling that was what the thieves were after. Harry, Ron and Melissa walked back to the castle with their pockets weighed down with rock cakes in silence. What was going on?

One day Melissa woke up and went downstairs with Lavender, Parvati and Imogen when they spotted a notice on the board.
"Let's check it out." Lavender suggested as the girls made their way over.
"Flying lessons with the Slytherins?" Imogen gasped.
"Typical." Harry said, appearing at the notice besides Melissa, "Just what I always wanted, to make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy."
"You might not make a fool of yourself. I can just tell you're going to be good." Melissa assured him. Somehow she did know he was going to be good. She knew Hermione wasn't going to be but luckily, Melissa wouldn't be too bad.
"Woah." She mumbled, going dizzy.
"Melissa!" Harry and Parvati cried, grabbing her before she fainted.
"What just happened?" she asked once her friends had led her down on the sofa.
"I don't really know, you kind of just fainted. What did you see?" Ron asked.
"I just remember suddenly knowing what everyone was going to be like at flying. It was strange. I knew Harry would be really good, Ron and I would be good and Hermione would be bad and...." Melissa thought hard. "Neville's going to hurt himself somehow."
"Wow." Imogen said.
"I think you could be a seer!" Ron gasped.
"What?" Melissa asked.
"A seer can tell the future slightly and sometimes give prophecies. It's very rare!" Imogen explained.
"Wicked!" Harry said.
"Well, we have to see if she's right first." Hermione's voice said over everyone else.
"What are you doing here?" Ron asked.
"She happens to be my twin." Hermione stated. "Are you ok?"
"Erm, yeah I guess." Melissa said.
"Good. Well, I'm going to breakfast." Hermione said, leaving the common room.
"Good riddance." Ron muttered and everyone laughed.
"Harriet! What's wrong?" One of the twins said coming down the steps.
"Good question." Melissa replied and everyone told Fred and George what had happened.
"Spooky. I hope you're OK. Come on guys, I'm starving." Fred said and everyone, including Melissa, followed him out the portrait hole.
"I wonder what it's going to be like." Melissa said to Harry as they made their way outside. Melissa was still a little shaken up from earlier that morning but tried not to show it.
"I'm really excited." Harry said.
"Shame it's with Slytherin." Melissa shrugged.
"Excuse me?" Daphne came up behind her.
"Sorry Daph, you're alright but the rest aren't!" Melissa apologised.
"It's fine. So, are you excited?" she asked.
"Yeah, have you ridden a broom before?" Melissa asked.
"Once." Daphne replied.
"What's it like?" Harry asked.
"Well, it was scary. I don't like heights very much." Daphne said.
"Luckily, I don't mind heights." Melissa said.
"Same here." Harry said.
"Hey, where's Ron?" Melissa asked.
"I'm here." he said, coming up behind them.
"Where did you go?" Harry asked.
"To tell Seamus about the time I stole Charlie's cleansweep." Ron said.
"What is a cleansweep?" Melissa asked.
"A make of broom. You've got cleansweep, comet, nimbus, stuff like that." he explained.
"We're here." Melissa hissed and Harry, Daphne, Ron and her went to stand next to a broom. Imogen stood on Melissa's right and Harry on her left.
"Place your right hand over your broom and say 'up'" the teacher; Madam Hooch, ordered. Melissa did so before saying,
"Up" The broom rose halfway up then dropped back down.
"Up!" she said firmly and this time, it shot into her hand. She was one of the few that had managed it. Only Harry and Draco stood with their brooms in their hands. Melissa giggled a little when she saw Hermione's rolling around, completely disobeying her. After a lot of shouts of 'Up!", everyone had managed to make their broom fly to their hands.
"Now, I want you to mount it then push of from the floor lightly" Madam Hooch said, "Hover for a few seconds then lean back down." Melissa swung one leg over her broom like everyone else had done as Madam Hooch spoke.
"On the count of three. One, two" but before Madam Hooch had blown her whistle, Neville kicked off from the ground.
"Get back down Mr Longbottom!" Madam Hooch ordered. But Neville couldn't. His broom was carrying him off in all sorts of directions until finally, he crashed into the floor. Madam Hooch ran over to him immediately and examined his arm.
"Broken wrist. Everyone stay here while I take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing. If anyone gets on their broom you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say Quidditch!" she ordered, leading Neville back inside. Melissa smiled slightly. She'd guessed this would happen.
"Look at this!" Draco said. He picked up a small glass ball with a gold band round it. "He dropped his remembrall." Melissa was unsure what a remembrall was, but it didn't stop her from sticking up for her friend.
"Give it back Malfoy." she said, marching up to him.
"Or what? I'm going to leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find it." Draco said, hopping on his broom.
"I'll get him!" Harry said, jumping onto his own broom.
"Be careful Harry." Melissa warned. She didn't want her friend to be expelled. Harry kicked off from the ground and Melissa had been right, he was a good flier. Melissa couldn't hear what was going on as they weren't speaking loudly, but they certainly seemed to be arguing. Eventually, Draco threw the remembrall and Harry chased after it.
"Melissa, Help!" he called, struggling to catch up with the remembrall. Melissa hopped on her broom immediately and flew towards Harry. It was easy. Melissa felt like she'd been doing it all her life. Fighting the urge to do loop the loops, Melissa flew over to Harry just as he caught the remembrall, wobbling a lot on his broom.
"Throw it to me!" Melissa ordered. Harry did so and managed to regain his balance as Melissa scooped the ball under her arm and raced back to the ground as quickly as possible, landing gently on the grass.
"Well done Melissa!" Imogen said as Parvati, Lavender, Daphne, Seamus, Dean and Ron all came to congratulate them.
"Mr Potter and Miss Granger, follow me now!" McGonagall had come out and marched towards the first years. Draco looked smug and Melissa hung her head in shame. She was going to be expelled.
"Professor Quirrell, could I borrow Wood please?" she asked once they were inside. Melissa had a horrible idea they were going to be beaten. She was very surprised when a 5th year boy walked out.
"Wood, I have found you a chaser and a seeker." McGonagall said.
"Professor, not that I'm not grateful but I don't really want to be part of a team." Melissa said shyly.
"Not even Quidditch?" Wood asked.
"No. I'm just not really brave enough to compete or anything." she admitted.
"Well, no one's forcing you." McGonagall told her.
"But a first year recommended by McGonagall, I'm not going to forget you. If you ever want a place on the team, you can join." Wood offered.
"Thanks." Melissa said gratefully.
"So what are your names?" Wood asked.
"Melissa Granger."
"Harry Potter."
"So Miss, which was for which role?" Wood asked.
"Potter for seeker, Melissa for chaser. Don't worry Miss Granger, you don't have to go back to lesson, you can listen with Harry for further information about Quidditch." McGonagall smiled. Melissa sighed and listened intently to everything Wood and McGonagall told them.

A/N: So I've probably told you before that I'm writing this story on Quotev. On there it has over 4.5k favourites and loads and loads of readers. Basically it's really popular somehow. I don't really like using Wattpad though, so I've decided that I'll upload to the end of first year on here, but if you want to read the full story (she's currently in fourth year) then this is the link:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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